Kaieteur news guyana

Mar 17, 0.

The decision by Kaieteur News to publish this letter reflects a shocking lack of editorial oversight and a blatant disregard for the principles of responsible journalism. This act is also dangerous, fueling misinformation and potentially inciting unwarranted public alarm and international condemnation. This letter is not only an affront to the principles of accurate and responsible reporting but also a clear manifestation of yellow journalism. First and foremost, the insinuation that GPL has engaged in illegal activities by purchasing oil from a sanctioned state is categorically false and baseless. As explained previously by the GPL publicly, the procurement of Heavy Fuel Oil HFO by GPL has been conducted through a transparent process of national competitive bidding, adhering to all international standards and regulations.

Kaieteur news guyana

Police Headquarters said the shooting unfolded at about hrs at a hotel on the corners of Robb and Cummings Street, Georgetown. Williams was allegedly shot by a year-old security guard attached to the Castle Security Service. He was armed with a 9mm Glock pistol which had 17 rounds of ammunition. Police said the security firm provides services to Nova Gaming, which is located on the lower flat of the hotel. As a result of the injuries he sustained, the guard went to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was treated and discharged. Thereafter, Police said Williams ran out of the building. During the process, he allegedly threatened to return and kill the guard as well as the female. After a few minutes, Police said Williams returned to the building armed with a knife and attempted to enter. He was picked up by a public-spirited person and taken to the GPHC. He succumbed around hrs while receiving medical attention.

Jagdeo deliberately misleading on forest giveaway.

Sunday, 17 March , Leave a comment. A convicted rapist, who escaped from the Mazaruni Prison one month ago and was the prime suspect in the chopping death of a man and his mother, was Sunday shot dead after he charged at police and soldiers with a cutlass, police said. Saturday, 16 March , Leave a comment. The court said that amount was for nominal Friday, 15 March , Leave a comment.

Kaieteur News — I do confess to never having heard of an installation or swearing-in ceremony for the members of the Freedom of speech is our core value at Kaieteur News. Contact: ; ; ; ; ; or Read More. Civil Society must play a role in Govt. These citizens can not only add a layer of expertise in Police identified him as Odit Persaud

Kaieteur news guyana

Mar 04, 0. Mar 03, 0. Mar 02, 0. Mar 01, 0. Mar 05, 0. Feb 29, 0. Feb 28, 0. Feb 27, 0. Dec 01, Comments Off on At long last! Exxon contract to be made public within days — Govt.

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The Horizons of History. This procurement process is a matter of public record, and at no point has GPL been notified of any issues related to the delivery of this fuel that would suggest any deviation from our stringent procurement protocols. Moreover, the attempt to connect GPL and the Government with the unfortunate oil spill off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago is not only erroneous but also maliciously intended to sow discord and mistrust among the Guyanese populace and our regional neighbours. Feb 14, 1. Dead: Leroy Williams. Saturday, 16 March , Leave a comment. Prev Next. It is deeply concerning that the editor of Kaieteur News chose to publish a letter riddled with inaccuracies and devoid of any semblance of factual integrity. Contact: ; ; ; ; ; or Road construction frenzy is frightening Kaieteur News — The government has embarked on an ambitious infrastructure development spree. Mar 18, 0. Matthew says 2 months ago. You might also like More from author.

AccordingtotheNatural Resource Governance Institute NRGI , it is imperativethatgovernments are upholding their constitutional duty to be transparent with citizens on how their resources are beingexploited. Itsaidrules and regulations ought to be inplacetoensurethatthereis a smooth flow of information to the people so that they can hold their e l e c t e d o f f i c i a l s accountable. Itsaidthat these rules can make disclosureofcertaintypesof information mandatory, or they can create processes that citizens can use to compel the government to release specific pieces of information.

Feb 14, 1. Contact: ; ; ; ; ; or De boss man throwing big party… and Jagdeo Dead: Leroy Williams. He succumbed around hrs while receiving medical attention. Williams was allegedly shot by a year-old security guard attached to the Castle Security Service. Friday, 15 March , Leave a comment. Prev Next. Mar 18, 0. Standing up for better.

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