karen morton playboy

Karen morton playboy

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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Karen Morton Actress. Morton was involved with jazz dancing for two years in high school she was an avid fan of jazz and blues piano music.

Karen morton playboy

Her centerfold was shot by Ken Marcus. She holds the distinction of having the smallest breast size — 32B — of any Playboy Playmate and possibly the smallest BMI Popular speculation suggests that the July issue had the lowest newsstand sales of any summertime issue of Playboy during the s, which is explained because of the combination of an underwhelming cover, pictorials, and Playmate curves. Karen made appearances at autograph shows all over the country. In she was stricken with an illness called Stevens Johnson syndrome , which left her practically blind. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has helped her find treatment for her vision. She died on February 11, after a long illness, as reported by official Facebook pages of fellow playmates Lorraine Michaels and Ava Fabian. Karen's cousin , Elaine Morton was also a playmate, appearing in the June issue of Playboy. Morton was involved with jazz dancing for two years in high school she was an avid fan of jazz and blues piano music. Her first job was modeling shoes at a shoe store. Karen was encouraged to start posing for magazines by her grandmother. She was the Playmate of the Month in the July, issue of "Playboy. Karen dated network executive Michael Lesner while still a Playmate.

Spouse Keith Forsey divorced, 1 child.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Karen Morton Actress. Morton was involved with jazz dancing for two years in high school she was an avid fan of jazz and blues piano music.

Karen morton playboy

The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of Playboy magazine names their Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year. She was Playboy magazine's Playmate of the Month for its January issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Phillip Dixon. Janis Schmitt born March 14, , in St. Louis, Missouri [2] is an American model and actress.

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Her first job was modeling shoes at a shoe store. Trivia 8 1. Keith Forsey. Karen Morton was connected to:. A self-described movie fanatic who grew up with a crush on Clint Eastwood. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Learn more. Spouse Keith Forsey divorced, 1 child. Morton played a vestal virgin in the comedy feature "History of the World: Part I" and appeared as herself on an episode of the atrocious short-lived comedy variety TV show "Pink Lady. Karen dated network executive Michael Lesner while still a Playmate. In Karen was stricken with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare illness which unfortunately rendered her almost completely blind. Burbank, California, USA. See our picks. Her first job was modeling shoes at a shoe store.

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Mini Bio. Karen dated network executive Michael Lesner while still a Playmate. Claim to Fame. She later married film composer Keith Forsey; the couple had a daughter named Natalia before eventually splitting up. Credits Edit. How much have you seen? Personal details Edit. New Customer? Alternative names Karen Elaine Morton. Please be the first person to add a timeline event for this topic! A self-described movie fanatic who grew up with a crush on Clint Eastwood.

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