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You will not be able to discover all the mysteries of the Kashyyyk planet during the first visit. You will have to come back here again at least once with Force Powers, Abilities and Doid Upgrades you earn in the following locations. While descending into Kashyyyk's atmosphere, the Mantis crew became embroiled in a skirmish between Imperial forces and freedom fighters. Saw and his fighters were in the middle of a campaign to liberate a nearby wroshyr sap refinery. With the possibility that Tarfful could be one of the Wookiees detained there, Cal and BD-l agreed to help him. After freeing the imprisoned Wookiees and taking the refinery from the Empire, Cal still had no information on Tarfful's whereabouts.


See also: Galactic Gazetteer. It is the lush, Wroshyr tree-filled homeworld of the Wookiees. Familiar planets undergo significant changes over the centuries. The updates in this section should provide Gamemasters with enough information to use these planets in their respective sourcebooks' eras. Because of Czerka's investment in the Republic's rebuilding efforts, the Senate grants Czerka domain over Kashyyyk, citing the corporation's discovery of the world as justification for the control of the planet. Believing the world to possess no sentient life Though this attitude is likely one born more of prejudice than scientific research , The Czerka Corporation ignored the native Wookiees' designation for the world and renamed it Edean. Czerka took control of the world against the Wookiees' wishes and began allowing slavers to have free rein over the planet's native inhabitants. Kashyyyk remains under Czerka control until after The Jedi Civil War , when Wookiee natives rise up against their corporate occupiers to liberate their home world. Prior to that, Kashyyyk largely escapes the conflicts of The Mandalorian Wars and The Jedi Civil War , as both sides of each conflict see that Kashyyyk offers little value but would be difficult to capture. With it's dangerous and unstable terrain, Kashyyyk is valued only by Czerka Corporation, which treats the Wookiees as less than sentient and exploits the planet's natural resources and native population for its own profit. Kashyyyk remains unaligned at the start of the Clone Wars. Seeking a means to end their troubles with neighboring Trandosha , the leaders of Kashyyyk initially attempt to better their position by negotiating with both The Confederacy of Independent Systems and The Galactic Republic. At stake are a number of secret Hyperspace routes known only to the Wookiees as well as the potential for new Hyperspace routes that are as yet unknown. Despite a small number of hostile actions by Separatist forces, Kashyyyk maintains its neutrality for nearly a year and a half.

San Diego Union-Tribune. West End Games, kashyyyk. Luckily Choyyssyk, one of the Wookiees Cal helped liberate, had fought kashyyyk Tarfful in the past.

Kashyyyk is the Wookiee homeworld, covered in dense forest. While Wookiees build their homes in the planet's trees, they are not a primitive species, and Kashyyyk architecture incorporates sophisticated technology. One of the last battles of the Clone Wars was fought here under the leadership of Yoda, with Wookiees and clones battling the Separatist droid army -- until the Emperor issued Order 66, commanding the clones to slaughter all Jedi. Yoda survived, however, with the help of natives Chewbacca and Tarfful, who used a hidden shuttle to evacuate the Jedi Master from the planet. In the aftermath, the brave Jedi Padawan Gungi, a survivor of the Jedi slaughter, was returned to what remained of his homeworld with the help of Clone Force Following the execution of Order 66, Yoda bids farewell to Tarffull and Chewbacca before leaving for Dagobah.

Kashyyk is no stranger to the Star Wars universe - it is the home of the Wookies, and has been featured in Star Wars media. During the Clone Wars, the Wookies rebelled against the droid occupation, and with the help of Master Yoda and the Clone Troopers, they were able to defend their homes. However, after The Empire was formed, the Wookie homeworld was quickly seized once more, with many Wookies becoming slaves as their planet was mined for resources. Along the way, he runs into rebel fighter Saw Gerrera and the two help each other to locate the Wookie leader and fight off the imperial occupation. Listed below is every main story chapter that takes place on Kashyyyk. Throughout your journey on Kashyyyk, you may encounter several unique and dangerous spider-like enemies.


Kashyyyk occasionally spelled Kashyk is a jungle planet and the home of the Wookiee race and Chewbacca. It is a planet of the Republic but the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an attack on the planet. After Order 66 was executed, the clone troopers then turned on Yoda but he managed to escape and after the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire , it became an Imperial planet. After the fall of the Empire, Kashyyyk became a New Republic planet. Kashyyyk is a temperate jungle planet orbiting around a single star located in the Mid Rim. The planet had a complement of three moons, one of which was orange.

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But it's not his anymore. ABC News. The propulsion technique gives the quarrels extremely high stopping power. Chewbacca is co-pilot of and performs maintenance on the Millennium Falcon , and also possesses a working knowledge of robotics, managing to haphazardly reassemble C-3PO after he was destroyed by Imperial stormtroopers in The Empire Strikes Back. Categories : Planets Add category. Wikimedia Commons. Don't have an account? The most common Wookiee language is Shyriiwook. In one episode of Animal Planet 's series Animal Icons , focusing on the creation of Star Wars figures, it was revealed that the Wookiees were also based on orangutans and lemurs , which are long-haired creatures that live in a hot forest climate. Using superior technology, the company managed to enslave the Wookiees until an uprising drove the invaders away. By the Imperial Era , it had been defoliated by a poisonous black mold. Many died due to brutal working conditions on planets such as Kessel. Because of Czerka's investment in the Republic's rebuilding efforts, the Senate grants Czerka domain over Kashyyyk, citing the corporation's discovery of the world as justification for the control of the planet. Archived from the original on March 31, He then escaped the planet with help from friendly Wookiees.

They are distinguished from humans by their gigantism , hirsutism , and physical strength.

A rift formed between Mari and Saw, splitting their forces in two; Saw had since left the planet. ABC News. He attacked Boba Fett while he slept in his bacta tank. Chewbacca is also shown to be an adept strategist at holo-chess leading to his surprise when R2-D2 outmaneuvered him in a game. Chewbacca agreed to help Han and Lando track down this "Long Man" in order to recover the remains of the murdered Wookiees to give them proper funeral rites. On the way up, he was attacked by the Ninth Sister , whose ship was taken down by a large winged creature. Two years after the planet's liberation by the New Republic, much of the Black Forest had grown back. When the Resistance arrived to end the blockade , [35] the First Order attempted to enslave members of the Wookiee population, but the operation was stopped by Chewbacca. Wookiee Home - Kyyyalstaad Falls 2. The planet appears in several other books, as well. My Account Logout. In the aftermath, the brave Jedi Padawan Gungi, a survivor of the Jedi slaughter, was returned to what remained of his homeworld with the help of Clone Force Four millennia before the Battle of Yavin , Kashyyyk was discovered by the Czerka Corporation , who enslaved the Wookiee population and renamed the planet G , later to Edean.

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