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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer The 7th Voyage of Sinbad A pert, vivacious and absolutely stunning brunette, the former Kathryn Grant nee Olive Kathryn Grandstaff is now known publicly as Kathryn Crosby.

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Kathie Lee Gifford returned to Today after taking some time off to film her new movie, Love Me to Death , in Scotland and shared an embarrassing story with her co-host Hoda Kotb. Gifford was shooting a revealing scene with her co-star Craig Ferguson, in which she came out of a shower wearing only a robe. Apparently, the adhesive was no match for a long day of shooting in an old Scottish house that had no air conditioning. Which teams should be most excited after a week of NFL free agency?

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Kathryn Crosby born Olive Kathryn Grandstaff ; November 25, [1] is a retired American actress and singer who performed in films under the stage names Kathryn Grant and Kathryn Grandstaff. Kathryn has four siblings.

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