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Clutch and egg size variation, and productivity of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus : effects of temperature, rainfall, and humidity.
This study was carried out to determine the effects of supplementation of ground fennel to quail rations on egg production, slaughter, intestinal parasites, and semen quality. For this purpose, 48 female and 24 male quails were used in the study. The weekly live weight values were found to be numerically higher in the groups with fennel-supplemented rations than in the control group. In addition, the live weight values of female and male quails were also numerically higher in the groups with fennel-supplemented rations. Egg weight, egg production, and feed intake of female quails were high, especially in the GF2 group.
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Effets of pre-incubation storage time and position on some hatching results of the rock partridge Alectoris graeca eggs. In total, partridge eggs were used in the study. All eggs were stored in storage rooms with The pre-incubation egg storage periods were , , and days. Butterworths, London, UK, , Br Poult Sci, 38, , Elibol O, Brake J: Effect of egg position during three and fourteen days of storage and turning frequency during subsequent incubation on hatchability of broiler hatching eggs. Poult Sci, 87, , Meijerhof R: Pre-incubation holding of hatching eggs. Worlds Poult Sci J, 48, , Woodard AE, Morzenti A: Effect of turning and age of egg on hatchability in the pheasant, chukar and japanese quail.
Global warming and body mass decline in Israeli passerine birds.
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Effets of pre-incubation storage time and position on some hatching results of the rock partridge Alectoris graeca eggs. The effect of energy and building resources of females on the production of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus L. Acta Ornithol. Saino, N. Avian reproductive failure in response to an extreme climatic event. Ecological adaptations for breeding in birds. Aslan, A. İn Mittelmahren. Pinowska, B. Poult Sci, 54, , Sparrows
Influence of fennel in Japanese Quail Diet over egg quality and behavior aspects. Journal of Parasitology, 43 3 : Bolger, D. Zur Ethologie und Okologie des Haussperlings. Stevenson, I. Meijerhof R: Pre-incubation holding of hatching eggs. Klomp, H. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34 2 , - B Misset World Poult, 13 9 : , The determination of clutch size in birds. Arch Tierz, 32 1 : , Butterworths, London, UK, , Mueller, W.
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