kimberly page playboy

Kimberly page playboy

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DDP, feeling particularly lucky, put a date with his Diamond Doll on the line in a series of arm wrestling matches. It was eventually revealed that Kimberly actually had the winning bingo card, but Page snatched it out of her hands and claimed it for himself. For Kimberly, time apparently healed all wounds. An accomplished dancer, she helped organize the popular Nitro Girls dance troupe. The fame may have gotten to her head in , though, as she cracked Page in the head with a guitar, declaring that it was all about Kimberly now. Before graduating from Auburn University with a degree in public relations and journalism in , Kimberly met Page Falkinburg aka Diamond Dallas Page at his Florida nightclub in December and the two started dating shortly afterward. They got married on December 1,

Kimberly page playboy

For the independent professional wrestler named Diamond Doll, see Faith Robertson. Kimberly Lynn Bacon January 1 , is an American former actress and valet for ex-husband Diamond Dallas Page , during which she was known by the ring name Kimberly Page. She appeared in Playboy news stand pictorials from to , and has been featured in Iron Man magazine for her fitness workouts. The couple married on December 1, , and she did not make any more appearances on WCW television until , when she became Page's regular valet. Before then, she worked as a public relations coordinator, account executive, aerobics instructor and as a waitress. Page was engaged in a feud with Dave Sullivan , who objected to how Page treated her. Page won that feud but ended up losing Kimberly in a match to Johnny B. Badd in Johnny promptly freed her and she became his valet, simply going by the name of Kimberly. The gimmick lasted until late Miss Elizabeth then flashed an NWO-defaced centerfold of Kimberly from the edition of Playboy's Nude Celebrities, after which Kimberly herself appeared from backstage having been spray painted off-screen by the NWO. The segment was also the first public revelation of Page and Kimberly being an actual married couple.

Pre-match stipulations stated that Page would regain The Booty Babe with a win, but quit wrestling if he lost.

Kimberly Lynne Bacon born January 1, is an American former professional wrestling personality. She appeared in Playboy newsstand pictorials from to , and has been featured in Iron Man magazine for her fitness workouts. They began dating shortly after. Diamond Dallas Page worked as a manager in World Championship Wrestling , while Kimberly completed a master's degree in advertising from Northwestern University , graduating in She worked in the advertising industry for a brief time as a public relations coordinator and account executive before joining Page in the wrestling business. Page was engaged in a feud with Dave Sullivan , who objected to how Page treated her.

Kimberly Lynne Bacon born on 1 January is an American former professional wrestler. In this article, we read about Kimberly Page including her age, height, net worth, early life, and some facts related to her. Kimberly is an American former professional wrestling personality. She appeared in Playboy newsstand pictorials from to and has been featured in Iron Man magazine for her fitness workouts. They began dating shortly after. She graduated from Auburn University with a degree in public relations and journalism in

Kimberly page playboy

DDP, feeling particularly lucky, put a date with his Diamond Doll on the line in a series of arm wrestling matches. It was eventually revealed that Kimberly actually had the winning bingo card, but Page snatched it out of her hands and claimed it for himself. For Kimberly, time apparently healed all wounds. An accomplished dancer, she helped organize the popular Nitro Girls dance troupe. The fame may have gotten to her head in , though, as she cracked Page in the head with a guitar, declaring that it was all about Kimberly now. Before graduating from Auburn University with a degree in public relations and journalism in , Kimberly met Page Falkinburg aka Diamond Dallas Page at his Florida nightclub in December and the two started dating shortly afterward. They got married on December 1, She then worked as a public relations coordinator, account executive, aerobics instructor, and waitress before joining Falkinburg in the professional wrestling industry. However, when Page began wrestling in July , he stopped bringing out the Diamond Dolls. After a year-long hiatus from WCW due to a torn rotator cuff, Page resurfaced in December with Kimberly by his side.

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It was eventually revealed that Kimberly actually had the winning bingo card, but Page snatched it out of her hands and claimed it for himself. Explore Wikis Community Central. The Nitro Girls also had an official website and appeared in a non-nude pictorial in the September issue of Penthouse. Dynamite Collision Rampage. He tried to hit Kimberly with a crowbar until Kanyon came to her rescue. Start a Wiki. The fame may have gotten to her head in , though, as she cracked Page in the head with a guitar, declaring that it was all about Kimberly now. She falls on the cement and rolls a couple of times before coming to a rest, face-down, in front of Page. Playboy: Playmates at Play. While living in Atlanta, Page took acting jobs at the Alliance Theatre, then moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting as a career.

Since its inception in the mid s, Playboy magazine has courted fascination as well as controversy. The stunning blonde beauty was, and largely remains, the epitome of sex appeal. There have been so many famous faces on the cover of this magazine, and some of them might surprise you.

Check out photos of Kimberly in recent years. Contact info Agent info. Playboy: Playmates at Play. Diamond Dallas Page worked as a manager in World Championship Wrestling , while Kimberly completed a master's degree in advertising from Northwestern University , graduating in He tried to hit David with a crowbar but Arn Anderson stopped him. Credits Edit. The segment was also the first public revelation of Page and Kimberly being an actual married couple. Sullivan was seemingly in control of the match at times only to get distracted by Muscle and the Diamond Doll. Mortuary Academy 4. Their showdown came with an added stipulation: if DDP won, he takes possession of Ralph. It was eventually revealed that Kimberly actually had the winning bingo card, but Page snatched it out of her hands and claimed it for himself. Paige was the Playmate of the Month in the May, issue of "Playboy. Ironman Magazine.

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