king of fighters mai sexy

King of fighters mai sexy

Mai learned the secrets of Ninjitsu from her father and from her grandfather's old friend, Jubei Yamada. Mai met Andy Bogard when he moved to Japan to further his training.

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King of fighters mai sexy

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Mai learned the secrets of Ninjitsu from her father and from her grandfather's old friend, Jubei Yamada. Mai met Andy Bogard when he moved to Japan to further his training. At first, Mai wasn't interested in Andy and thought he was just another callous man only interested in his training. However, when Andy gave her a present on her birthday, she eventually fell in love with him. After they were in a serious relationship, Mai spent much of her time pursuing Andy and fantasizing various daydreams about their wedding. The sexy aspect of Mai's design and "bounce" was inspired from a kunoichi female ninja method of assassination: to be sensual to their unassuming prey before they strike. On a side note, the contrastingly ugly Gen-An from Samurai Shodown is rumored to be Mai's late ancestor. For many years, Mai pressured Andy to enter and form a team with her in The King of Fighters tournament. However, Andy usually chose to join a separate team.

King of fighters mai sexy

The Shiranui-style Ninjutsu successor herself! Mai was originally not planned to be included in Fatal Fury 2 at all, as her fighting style was created for a different male ninja. When developers shifted their focus to include an idol character in the series, they decided to scrap the Shiranui man for Mai. Her characteristic "bounce" was loosely modified from a kunoichi female ninja method of assassination: to be sensual to their unassuming prey before they strike. According to an issue of Neo Geo Freak , her breasts were modeled after Fumie Hosokawa and her bottom is modeled after the late Ai Iijima ; both women were famous idols at the time. Illustrations by Eisuke Ogura. During the development of The King of Fighters '94 , Mai's designer wanted to add more animation to her neutral pose. When the designer came back with the "swaying bosom", the developers were awestruck. In an interview with one of the series designers, Shinkiro , he replies that Mai was the most difficult character to illustrate. He comments "I thought she was going to burst out of her costume

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All payments are to be made via PayPal or Mangopay , depending on the possibilities offered by the seller. We will provide original clear photos. Add this seller to my favourites Contact the seller Hide this seller's items. The buyer is required to afford the return shipping cost, based on the condition of the item s received. After placing the order, we will send the parcel out as soon as possible, please wait patiently. French, English United Kingdom , German 1. More items from this Store View all items. In closing, Mai comically seems "undisciplined" to be a legit ninja. The real colors are subject to actual goods. At first, Mai wasn't interested in Andy and thought he was just another callous man only interested in his training.

We have seen Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury 2 when it came out in Over time the game went through many changes but kept the characters. Throughout the changes, we get to see more of Mai a confident and beautiful woman.

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