kings indian defense

Kings indian defense

The King's Indian Defense is a hypermodern aggressive opening for Black as a response for 1.

Black gives up central control and allows White to expand control while Black develops minor pieces. Nf6 is a great move to play against the common d4, and the reason is that this usually allows Black to be more active in the opening. This is also one of the most solid defenses where Black builds a strong defense around his King and chooses to counter-attack according to the best opportunity at hand. Black usually strikes back after White has gained space and central control and has overexerted the White pawns. The most common options for White on the third move are — 3.

Kings indian defense

It is defined by the following moves:. Black intends to follow up with Bg7 and White's major third move options are 3. Nc3, 3. Nf3 or 3. The King's Indian is a hypermodern opening, where Black deliberately allows White control of the centre with pawns, with the view to subsequently challenge it. In the most critical lines of the King's Indian, White erects an imposing pawn centre with Nc3 followed by e4. Black stakes out their own claim to the centre with the Benoni -style If White resolves the central pawn tension with d5, then Black follows with either Meanwhile, White attempts to expand on the opposite wing.

Nxf4 Rxf4 A practical drawback, however, is that a well-prepared but unambitious White player can often enter lines leading to a forced draw.

The King's Indian Defence is a hypermodern chess opening. It appears on the board after the following moves:. And as a result, Black trades his central control for a solid defensive position that is hard to break up. In this variation, White advances the d-pawn in order to stop Black from developing the Knight to the c6 square. Black wants to stop this Queenside advance from White and break through on the Kingside. He will try to castle queenside in order to attack on the kingside by advancing his pawns.

Conclusion - a Summary of Important Points. Black can use the following scheme of development not only against 1. What type of player is the Kings Indian suitable for? The second player voluntarily grants White a serious space advantage, hoping for a successful counter attack. Right timing is of the essence, as one slip might land Black in an utterly cheerless situation without any counterplay. This is the most common method for Black. In the Classical System 1. Nc3 Bg7 4. Nf3 6.

Kings indian defense

The 17th edition of the Indian Premier League is almost here and fans are boarding the hype train as we get closer to the new season. And yes, MS Dhoni is back for another season, leading the Chennai Super Kings after having confirmed last year that his comeback would be a return gift to the fans who have backed him over the years. While there have been plenty of changes across most other teams, the Super Kings are once again relying on their consistent core as they bid to become the most successful IPL team. Leading their title defence is the year-old Dhoni, who seems to have overcome his knee injury issue after having undergone surgery last year. The World Cup-winning former India captain seems to have gone back to his vintage long hair , sparking speculation about whether IPL would be his last in the T20 league. Well, there's a mega auction in and only MS Dhoni would know more about his future. As of now, the skipper will be fully focused on leading his team to the top four. Ambati Rayudu, who was a pillar in their middle-order, has retired and Chennai Super Kings will be looking to fill that gap as they look to fit the final piece of the jigsaw ahead of the new season, starting March 22 in their own backyard. Chennai Super Kings fans are waiting to catch another glimpse of their 'Thala', who seems to have worked hard on his fitness post the knee surgery to be ready for the new season.

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Black allows White to gain control over the centre. Qxd8 Rxd8 9. Nc3 Bg7 4. In the early s the opening's popularity suffered after Vladimir Kramnik began scoring excellently against it, so much so that Kasparov gave up the opening after several critical losses to Kramnik. Gufeld — Kirovabad ". This makes it hard for Black to play f5. And as a result, Black trades his central control for a solid defensive position that is hard to break up. Chess opening. Toggle limited content width. The advance can be crucial.

The history of Sikkim begins with the indigenous Lepcha's contact with early Tibetan settlers.

The earliest known use of the term " Indian Defence " was in This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves. Qh6 Nh5 Bxg7 Kxg7 Castle Kingside to protect the King Black should castle kingside to protect his King. For this reason, it's also a risky opening which usually leads to White having an edge when playing accurately. G3, simultaneously Black intends on playing Bg7 and d6. In some lines, white may play Be3, Qd2, and then castle queenside. A practical drawback, however, is that a well-prepared but unambitious White player can often enter lines leading to a forced draw. Play the King's Indian. Here White exchanges Queens for safe advantage, and the position remains relatively calm. White accepts Black's challenge and takes the whole center with pawns on c4, d4, e4, and f4. Black assures himself of being able to castle early and prepares to put the dark bishop on the long diagonal. Bxf3 Bd7

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