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The MUGI system has around reload points for the card. Users can reload their personal and non-personal cards at the following authorised places:.

Txaluparen erabiltzaileek gaurtik aurrera «hiribusa 1» tarifa izango dute, hiri barneko autobusetan aplikatzen denaren antzekoa; hau da, bidaia 0,48 eurokoa izango da. Gainera, Mugi txartelen bidez ordaintzen duten pertsonei beste garraiobide batzuetarako doako aldaketak aplikatuko zaizkie, eta 6 urtetik beherakoek doan bidaiatuko dute Mugi sisteman bezala. Gipuzkoako Garraioaren Lurralde Agintaritzak, MUGI txartelaren titularra den aldetik, ohartarazten du MUGI txartelari dagokionez iruzurtzat har daitezkeen argitalpenak hainbat sare sozialetan eta Gipuzkoako Garraio Agintaritzaren izenean argitaratuko direla. Service for users. We solve all your inquiries. Contact us via our service telephone on or send an email to info mugi.

Kutxabank miranda de ebro


Starting point. Analytical cookies.


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Lines and Schedules Discover all the available lines and their schedules. ATTG The ATTG offers Gipuzkoa the transport service it needs at every moment, coordinating the different means and operating companies, as well as improving information for citizens. Starting point. You will find more information in our Cookies policy. The guarantee of a transport service that is accessible to everyone , whether or not they have problems with mobility, sensory communication, perception or different cognitive or mental levels. Certain public establishments. Advanced cookie settings. Accessible Transport and Regulations The guarantee of a transport service that is accessible to everyone , whether or not they have problems with mobility, sensory communication, perception or different cognitive or mental levels. These cookies are necessary for the operation of the website, e. ATTG The ATTG offers Gipuzkoa the transport service it needs at every moment, coordinating the different means and operating companies, as well as improving information for citizens. Advanced cookie settings:. Cookies are used to optimize the user experience. Read more.

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Certain specially adapted Kutxabank ATMs. It is not possible to disable them. Accept cookies. Txaluparen erabiltzaileek gaurtik aurrera «hiribusa 1» tarifa izango dute, hiri barneko autobusetan aplikatzen denaren antzekoa; hau da, bidaia 0,48 eurokoa izango da. Users can reload their personal and non-personal cards at the following authorised places:. They include statistics provided by third parties to the website operator and allow the display of personalized advertising by tracking user activity across different websites. Reloads only Show map. It is not possible to disable them. The MUGI system has around reload points for the card. Service for users. Certain public establishments. Transport Method Both Bus Train.

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