kym marsh nude

Kym marsh nude

Coronation Street fans are reportedly keen to have Kym Marsh strip in future scenes. Creator Tony Warren told an event for the soap's 50th anniversary at the BFI Southbank that last year's scene in which Marsh's character Michelle Connor dropped her kym marsh nude in front of builder Jake Harman had captured the imagination of Corrie's male viewers, PA reports.

Coronation Street actress Kym Marsh has got in touch with the police after learning that a sex tape and intimate pictures involving her have allegedly made it online. The incident that came just before Marsh's appearance at the British Soap Awards is being treated by the police as a case of "revenge porn". She made a report to the police as soon as she was made aware of it and is desperate for them to find the person who is responsible," a source told The Sun. According to the publication's source, the police are treating this as a "case of revenge porn" and treating it very "seriously". This is a nightmare for her," the insider added.

Kym marsh nude

Kym Marsh got down and dirty live on stage with her former Coronation Street co-star. The year-old actress played out the steamy scenes on stage with co-star Oliver Farnworth in Brighton's Theatre Royal version of Fatal Attraction. The former Coronation Street actress plays spurned lover Alex Forrest, who is hell-bent on manipulative and violent revenge against married lover Dan Gallagher. Before she made her Fatal Attraction debut, Kym revealed she was daunted at the 'terrifying' task of stripping off. The star also revealed that she underwent extra preparations for the 'racy' moments in the play. Don't miss out on the biggest soaps gossip! Get a daily email direct to your inbox with our newsletter. Celebs TV Films. US Celebrity News. Mirror Choice. Follow us on social. In Your Area. Got A Story? Kym Marsh seduces ex Corrie co-star live on stage as they strip off in sexy scenes. Video Loading Video Unavailable.

Most of us know Kym Marsh best as a long-locked Coronation Street star due to the role she played as Michelle Connor for 13 years - but in fact, kym marsh nude, in her early days, she sported an often very short cropped kym marsh nude when she took to the stage with Hear'Say injust months after finding fame. Corrie clues revealed - where is Lauren Bolton?

Coronation Street actress Kym Marsh has reportedly become a victim of the nude photo scandal after her private photos were leaked and shared on porn sites. The intimate images of the actress were initially shared on Twitter and "sordid celebrity website" before they were uploaded on adult sites. Marsh is said to be upset with the leak, but she didn't let this effect one of the biggest nights of her life. Also Read: Fappening 2. Marsh, who plays the role of Michelle Connor, had no idea about the alleged hack , but sources close to her told Mirror Online that she is upset and shocked. The pictures are very old and she has no idea how anyone got hold of them. She believes they must have been stolen and posted online but Kym had no idea," the source said.

By Ryan Smith for MailOnline. She departed her role as Michelle Connor in December , after 13 years of playing the popular character on the long-running ITV soap. And Kym Marsh , 43, showed she's been no slouch in her downtime since exiting the show, when she shared a snap showcasing her incredible physique on Wednesday. Taking to Instagram, the brunette screen star proudly displayed her incredible physique and rippling abs as she posed in a striped bikini during a gym and spa day at the Garden Spa in Warrington with her friend. Great body of work: Kym Marsh displayed her inedible physique as she enjoyed a gym and spa day with a pal in Warrington on Wednesday.

Kym marsh nude

Gorgeous actress also claims that men rarely ever chat her up. Coronation Street star Kym Marsh has a killer body, but still cringes about a naked scene she did as the soap's Michelle Connor. Kym, 38, has recently dropped a dress size to get into bikini shape in time for summer, and she thinks being slim helps her feel sexy. You can be in great shape but you can still get a wrong one! Twice-married Kym is currently dating fitness trainer Dan Hooper , but claims men rarely hit on her as they're 'frightened'. I think men are frightened of me," she tells OK! Check us out here.

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Get a daily email direct to your inbox with our newsletter. She then deleted all traces of her third husband from social media and ditched her engagement ring. Her feet are absolutely stunning, her arches and soles are perfect. From global business tycoons to tech elites, Anant Ambani's wedding guest list is out [read now]. This is the second time the actress has become a victim of a nude photo leak since her "devastating" experience almost a year back. Kym surprised Dave with an inking of an ice cream on her forearm last month because he has become "obsessed" with the sweet treats since his incurable cancer diagnosis. The second video reportedly showed the actress in the buff performing a sex act with a man who is believed to be her partner at the time. Facebook Twitter. Smriti Irani attacks Rahul over remarks on Aishwarya. Kym Marsh landed a role in Coronation Street after saying goodbye to music Kym Marsh was ultimately dropped by her record label, but - not to be defeated - she soon found a role in Coronation Street as Michelle Connor - the career highlight which she is perhaps best loved for today.

By Owen Tonks For Mailonline. Kym Marsh has spoken of her terror at stripping off on stage for a raunchy scene as part of a new Fatal Attraction production.

This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Corrie star has finished filming return stint. Scottish Sun. Love the sandals she wears too. Her confidence seems to have soared as she found a new identity after leaving Hear'Say. Coronation Street fans are reportedly keen to have Kym Marsh strip in future scenes. Corries's Joel Deering gets a surprising new ally. Describing of fantasies is prohibited. Corrie star teases Steve reaction to Tracy affair. Comment Express Comment Columnists.

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