la cena perfecta trailer español

La cena perfecta trailer español

Carmine runs a restaurant to launder dirty money, and finds himself collaborating with Consuelo, a chef in search of perfection. The love for food and the dream of winning a Michelin star wi

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La cena perfecta trailer español


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Carmine runs a restaurant to launder dirty money, and finds himself collaborating with Consuelo, a chef in search of perfection. The love for food and the dream of winning a Michelin star wi Read all Carmine runs a restaurant to launder dirty money, and finds himself collaborating with Consuelo, a chef in search of perfection. The love for food and the dream of winning a Michelin star will give them an opportunity for redemption. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. La cena perfetta 1h 46m. Play trailer Comedy Drama.

La cena perfecta trailer español


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