leigh nicol sex tape

Leigh nicol sex tape

Leigh Nicol is sharing her story in the hope of raising awareness to others who have been through a similar ordeal, after her private videos were shared on X-rated websites. We have more newsletters.

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Leigh nicol sex tape

Leigh Nicol, who started her football career in the youth side at Celtic, was the victim of a iCloud hack in which saw multimedia files get taken from her phone and put on an X-rated website. We have more newsletters. Ex- Celtic star Leigh Nicol shared online abuse she suffered following the leak of a sex tape. Multimedia files from her phone dating back to , when she was 18 years old, were taken and posted onto X-rated websites. And Nicol has now shared some of the online abuse she suffered following the leak with a range of screenshots. For our black friends, and those receiving abuse for how they look, perform, live their lives, and quite simply- breathing. Nicole took a year away from football in due to the impact of the leak on her life, detailing how the issue caused mental health problems in her life. I was just Leigh, the happiest person they knew. I cannot change it alone but if I can raise awareness to stop it happening to others then that is what I want to do. By Warren Muggleton Sport Reporter.

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Crystal Palace star Leigh Nicol has explained how online abuse is affecting her mental wellbeing, having been targeted by trolls since her sex tapes were leaked in We have more newsletters. Crystal Palace star Leigh Nicol has opened up on the effects of online abuse two years on from her sex-tape leak. Nicol was the subject of an iCloud breach back in , when multimedia files from her phone were taken and posted onto a number of X-rated websites. The former Celtic player took a year away from football because of the impact it had on her life, putting her career on hold while overcoming anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Leigh nicol sex tape

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