Lich queen jaina

If you look at Hearthstone we also have a shadow priest Anduin, so its possible he can be corrupted by the old gods and go nutz and Jiana can become the new Lich Lich queen jaina before the expansion is over. If things had been so utterly different then BfA could look like anything.

Despite what you may personnally think, this doesn't change everything, but it does change much. Now, for this little thing to happen, we need to give Jaina some of her daddy's mindset. Basically, give her the current mindset she has already. However, the biggest change has to be Arthas. He would need more discipline and patience for this to work. So, it's Warcraft 3, the scourge is currently running around and killing things.

Lich queen jaina

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. With the fall of Arthas Menethil, the infamous Lich King, the Scourge was left headless, but not toothless. They would always be a threat and so there must always be a Lich King. She had been the linchpin in High Overlord's plan, the key to everything he wished to achieve. Empowered by the cult of the damned she was a power in and of herself, even more than she had been in life, but that was only half of what she meant for him. While he had managed to gather significant support on his own there was no doubt Jaina held the most political clout between the two of them. She held not only the confidence and friendship of the Horde leadership, but the admiration and loyalty of the army.

Sylvannas remains relatively the same, just hates Jaina instead of Arthas. I think this looks far more like Daenerys Targaryen than Jaina tbh.

To edit these notes, go to Template:Frost Lich Jaina notes. Frost Lich Jaina is the death knight version of Jaina Proudmoore. In the web comic Undeath Conquers All , a Pompous Thespian - at the behest of a Bloodsail Raider -like pirate and several other tavern patrons - begins telling a tale about the Scourging of Lordaeron , and of how Prince Arthas Menethil and his former love interest Lady Jaina Proudmoore rushed to face the threat of the undead. The pirate complains that the audience already knows the story, but the thespian replies that she shouldn't spoil it for those unfamiliar with the tale. The thespian contiues by describing the terrible dilemma faced by Arthas, Jaina, and Uther Lightbringer at the city of Stratholme , whose citizens had not yet turned into undead.

Alt History is a new series of posts on All Things Azeroth which are going to take on a bit of a change from the Tin Foil Hat articles from WoW Insider, instead looking at alternative history, at what might have been if some things had occurred in different ways. Join us in imagining the way the game might have gone if things had happened differently. Let me first explain a bit about how this series is going to go. Each post in this series is going to do a bit of lore theory crafting to imagine where we would be now, if things had not gone how they did. We will first recall the way it did go, then look at what would have happened differently, and lastly try to figure out what the world of Azeroth would be like now if it had gone that way.

Lich queen jaina

We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. Click here for information and the new URL. Beware, beware She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth [10] and the most powerful human sorceress alive. Trained as the personal agent of Archmage Antonidas , the late leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran , she was sent to investigate the plague of undeath with Prince Arthas Menethil , her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest.

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The Pompous Thespian's story ends with a massive battle between the undead Jaina, Uther, and Thrall, with the moral of the story being that the Frozen Throne does not bring people together, but rather pits them against one another until only the strongest remains. All times are GMT. Or will it snare them into a trap? Wallurian-wyrmrest-accord Wallurian January 21, , am Remember Me? Back in WotLK I always loved the idea of Jaina confronting Arthas, he kills her and later we see that she was raised as his queen. Together, the death knights Arthas and Jaina waged war against the living, causing the world to cry out for heroes to stand against them. Reply to: Alminettle I understand completely. But in a way that would have been so pleasing to see too. Kezzie Keztraz. It's a rare thing these days to see a villainous marriage. I give you an even bigger waifu than Sylvanas Windrunner. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Frost Lich Jaina is the death knight version of Jaina Proudmoore.

To edit these notes, go to Template:Frost Lich Jaina notes. Frost Lich Jaina is the death knight version of Jaina Proudmoore.

And Scourgelord Garrosh. Craft a Regular copy for Like Taelia has to dice out to go sit on the frozen throne, so now Anduin can effectively be single but unavailable again, yet have an heir, so that solves that problem. Basically, give her the current mindset she has already. Frost Lich Jaina top left and other undead heroes of Warcraft. Wallurian-wyrmrest-accord Wallurian January 21, , am Originally Posted by Kyphael. Never thought of that but would have been a truly epic story arc. Nerzul was a spellcaster in his early live too, I think this is also a bonus. Craft a Golden copy for

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