lily pichu nude

Lily pichu nude

On her channel, one can find gameplays, piano arranges of lily pichu nude and game music as well as original compositions and fandubs, as of lately tl;dr lores and other miscellaneous videos. Many of her videos were Madoka osaa are League of Legends related, as these are her favorite anime and game. Lily has a whispery, lily pichu nude, cute, calm and kind voice, which according to her self reminds her of the voice of Fluttershy from My Little Pony.

File: Hellweek is currently active! Read the thread. I heard some people think her voice is fake? I think it's quiet enough not to be annoying, but maybe it's just me, but i feel like she's also like nyanners in the sense that she's kind of pushing the loli shit? She's a lying cunt who used to whore around for free shit and it's even sadder that she keeps up the voice facade around her boyfriend and friends. I bet she feels guilty about her entire existence which is why she's always saying she feels like shit.

Lily pichu nude


Lily pichu nude of them mentioned they dont even hang out that much? We just point out what you already show, your pitty fest was annoying too. People who have gone through extreme sexual abuse as a child retain child like voices for some reason.


File: Hellweek is currently active! Read the thread. I heard some people think her voice is fake? I think it's quiet enough not to be annoying, but maybe it's just me, but i feel like she's also like nyanners in the sense that she's kind of pushing the loli shit? She's a lying cunt who used to whore around for free shit and it's even sadder that she keeps up the voice facade around her boyfriend and friends. I bet she feels guilty about her entire existence which is why she's always saying she feels like shit. She constantly whines about her life on ask fm and is full of self loathing even going as far as covering her face with huge sunglasses at a panel. Fucking cringe. Watch her video "deepest voice i can do" and her old LoL character voice acting videos.

Lily pichu nude

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You just wish so many bad things on her that when you see a little off-putting detail about her you assume the worst. Don't question them. You should open your chink eyes, if you did maybe you would see why people don't like her. Maybe her pretty friends could help her with makeup and stuff, and her homely fashion sense. I don't follow Popushi on Twitter, but I do find it amusing how much pride she has in working at Atlus…as a QA tester. I know people who were forced to growup fast. These are from a recent video just a few days ago. Seriously, it's a circlejerk of insecure females trying to act loli or hot shit. She straight up looked like a guy before. Imagine living with and supporting someone like Lily.

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It would make sense if you said teens but you didn't. Sage for doublepost. You women are fantasizing about how her faking her voice and sperging out on the Internet. All too sad. She probably attended one free class in the year or tried some voiceactingalliance scripts and thinks that counts. Her face looks squished. She used to cover it all the time at conventions with over sized glasses or that dumb medical mask but now she has "confidence". You just wish so many bad things on her that when you see a little off-putting detail about her you assume the worst. I already heard she was a bitch by people who met her at conventions and in person in general. He probably liked it. I just wanted to see her try, she is a bit so kudos. Just be sure to control your kegel muscles so you can nut at least one shot into each one of their cunts. This thread turned into a fucking circus. It was kind of trippy the first time I met her, but she definitely wasn't faking it.

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