linda lovelace documentary movie

Linda lovelace documentary movie

The story of Linda Lovelace, linda lovelace documentary movie, who is used and abused linda lovelace documentary movie the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband before taking control of her life. Linda : You know I spent exactly seventeen days in the pornography industry and somehow these seventeen days are suppose to define who I am for the rest of my life, but I hope that people can see me for who I really am. I mean Linda Lovelace was a fictitious character.

Lovelace is a American biographical drama film centered on porn actress Linda Lovelace , star of Deep Throat , a landmark film at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn. Lovelace covers her life from age 21 to Lovelace had its world premiere on January 22, , at the Sundance Film Festival and opened in a U. While out dancing one night with her best friend, Patsy, Linda attracts the attention of a man named Chuck Traynor and the two soon develop a relationship after a vulnerable Linda reveals to him that the relationship with her parents is strained. The strain was caused because Linda had earlier given birth to a son out-of-wedlock and her domineering mother Dorothy had tricked her into putting the baby up for adoption. Chuck, much older than Linda, begins teaching her how to perform sexual acts, which she is initially thrilled about.

Linda lovelace documentary movie

Sex therapist extraordinaire Linda has a patient who is harboring the plans to a top-secret government computer. Directed by sexploitation auteur Joe Sarno, Deep Throat II is an R rated satire of politics and porn, and the unofficial sequel to the most profitable and infamous film in motion pictures history. A Life in Dirty Movies is a love story about legendary sexploitation director Joe Sarno and his wife and collaborator Peggy, as he struggles to get one last film on screen in an industry that's long d A struggling NYC photographer begins a daring portfolio of his model, Leslie, until jealousies erupt when another woman vies for his camera and bed. Toggle navigation. Login Cart. Which pricing is right for me? In-home viewers shop here. To submit an order, request a preview screener, or ask a question contact Erin Farrell. You May Also Like A Life in Dirty Movies A Life in Dirty Movies is a love story about legendary sexploitation director Joe Sarno and his wife and collaborator Peggy, as he struggles to get one last film on screen in an industry that's long d View Details. All the Sins of Sodom A struggling NYC photographer begins a daring portfolio of his model, Leslie, until jealousies erupt when another woman vies for his camera and bed. View Cart.

Linda Lovelace Episode aired Sep 26, 1h 3m. Top cast Edit.

Inside Deep Throat is a American documentary film about the pornographic film Deep Throat , [4] at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn , and its effects on American society. The film discusses how Deep Throat was distributed to theaters when prints would be hand-delivered and employees would count heads of moviegoers and then collect the cash profits from the theaters. This process was known as sending "checkers and sweepers". It features scenes from the film, news of the time and interviews, both from archive and recent footage, with director Gerard Damiano , actor Harry Reems , actress Linda Lovelace , Gore Vidal , [6] Larry Flynt , Hugh Hefner , John Waters , Erica Jong , a prosecutor, Reems' defense, Mafia money collectors, and other people involved or just commenting on the film. Much of the material was compiled from approximately hours of interview and archive footage collected by the filmmakers. Inside Deep Throat was rated NC by the Motion Picture Association of America for explicit sexual content; specifically, explicit excerpts from the original film.

Lovelace is a American biographical drama film centered on porn actress Linda Lovelace , star of Deep Throat , a landmark film at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn. Lovelace covers her life from age 21 to Lovelace had its world premiere on January 22, , at the Sundance Film Festival and opened in a U. While out dancing one night with her best friend, Patsy, Linda attracts the attention of a man named Chuck Traynor and the two soon develop a relationship after a vulnerable Linda reveals to him that the relationship with her parents is strained. The strain was caused because Linda had earlier given birth to a son out-of-wedlock and her domineering mother Dorothy had tricked her into putting the baby up for adoption. Chuck, much older than Linda, begins teaching her how to perform sexual acts, which she is initially thrilled about. After breaking curfew one night, Linda is berated by her mother Dorothy; forcing Linda to move out so she can live with Chuck, later marrying him.

Linda lovelace documentary movie

Released 50 years ago in the summer of , the barely hour-long film — directed by Gerard Damiano and starring then-unknown leads Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems — brought hardcore pornography out of the Times Square XXX houses and into the mainstream. It also ignited a firestorm of controversy that continues to this day about the line between free expression and obscenity in the public sphere, as well as the line between exploitation and consent within the adult film industry. And both debates could flare up again as a restored version of Deep Throat heads back into theaters for a series of 50th anniversary screenings and panel discussions in the U. Watch a clip from the restoration above. Lovelace — whose real name was Linda Boreman and later, Linda Marchiano — died in of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Damiano passed away six years later due to stroke-related complications, and Reems followed in from pancreatic cancer. In , Boreman published her harrowing memoir , Ordeal written with Mike McGrady , in which she detailed the horrific abuse she experienced behind the scenes of the film at the hands of her ex-husband, Chuck Traynor.

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The woman who was born Linda Susan Boreman, and would later be better known by her stage name, Linda Lovelace, lived a very complicated, and devastatingly sad, life. Bobby Cannavale as Butchie Peraino. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. This led to her turning against the porn industry and especially her husband, Chuck Traynor. Gerard Gilroy Chuck Traynor. April 29, January 22, Sundance August 9, United States. Recently viewed. Play trailer Andy Bellin [2]. It's sad, dismal, and, as "Lovelace" proves, a story Hollywood still does not want to tell. To prepare for the role, Seyfried read Lovelace's books and studied videos of her speaking. Scenes such as low-level mobster Butchie Periano Bobby Cannavale arguing that she is not attractive enough for the porno he is financing appear consequently more dubious. It features scenes from the film, news of the time and interviews, both from archive and recent footage, with director Gerard Damiano , actor Harry Reems , actress Linda Lovelace , Gore Vidal , [6] Larry Flynt , Hugh Hefner , John Waters , Erica Jong , a prosecutor, Reems' defense, Mafia money collectors, and other people involved or just commenting on the film.

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Basically, the first half of the film chronicles a year-old, naive Linda Boreman Amanda Seyfried who lives with her strict, Catholic parents Robert Patrick and a shockingly deglamorized, unrecognizable Sharon Stone in Florida. Retrieved January 23, This film centers on the real life Lovelace's claims of being used and abused by her first husband, Chuck Traynor, and being browbeaten into the pornography industry. After it becomes a worldwide phenomenon, Linda is interviewed by a variety of print and radio reporters and becomes the subject of late-night television humor. Still, Seyfried did well with what she was given. The hair and costume departments do their best to back him up with spectacular '70s grooming and leather jackets that might have been stripped off of Thomas Jane's cokehead horndog in " Boogie Nights. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Splash Armed and Dangerous Housesitter Mobster financiers, her abusive husband and other exploiters pocketed most of the money. Now streaming on:. Top cast Edit.

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