literotica breast expansion

Literotica breast expansion

Note: You can change font size, literotica breast expansion face, literotica breast expansion, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Patti had an astounding figure, long legs, big hips and a nipped in waist, but she had always thought one thing was missing.

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Literotica breast expansion

Stories of those who acquire power over others, or themselves, and the unique opportunities such power affords. The temptations power incurs, and the consequences that result. Jack Lord got world bending powers, he can make everything he's thinking of a reality. After years of keeping a low profile while training his power, he decide it's finally time to go big and make his way to hollywood. All Fakes use in my chapters in this story are done by me. Public story A hub where authors can add their own story branches. Something is spreading like a virus and "infects" people, turning them into sex slaves. What happens? Once upon a time, on a bet and while very very drunk, a higher power of some kind made a very special item. A lucky protagonist stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules.

The first poll was a tally on stories with specific expansion types or combinations of expansion types and the second was a check-in on literotica breast expansion enthusiasm for non-pregnant belly expansion. Audra groaned again, her brow furrowed, literotica breast expansion, and she switched her attention to her other nipple, pulling and pinching it as the hand at her pussy picked up its pace. It hit watchers quite a few years back.

Spurred by positive feedback on my recent poll as well as an itch to get some content out there after months of inactivity, I've posted Got A Fair Shake on Literotica. It has breast expansion, penis expansion, lactation and some light sexual dalliance. I didn't post the story on dA because I wanted to describe erections and brief intercourse without fear of consequences. Plus, I didn't want to create a subscriber tier here just for the sake of getting one age-gated story up. If I ever create such a tier, it'll be because there's a project that earns that kind of engagement. This one isn't it. Obviously, I hope folks enjoy the story.

A lucky protagonist stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules. Female Celebrities Past and Present have found themselves in bondage. So long as they are famous they will be bound. The only question now is why are they in this state, who has done this to them and what happens next? Perhaps a lover is interested in trying some bondage play or a Higher Power wishes for the celebrity to be restrained. You decide. A reality show in which contestants compete for one lucky man or woman's affections, and are changed until they can. An Asteroid is heading for Earth and a mass extinction is inevitable. However, in order to let humanity live on, an alien civilization grants us technology capable of storing the uploaded data of a human brain extremely efficiently. Using this technology, a massive server is built with the purpose of digitally simulating the world in a hentai style so everyone can continue living their lives with some extra fun once their minds have been uploaded to it.

Literotica breast expansion

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially. All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

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Nurse Tata brought a small tube that fitted over Patti's clit, massaged her bud into the tube and then switched on the suction. Bimbo Dust - Dirty Grandpa Ch. Harem Hotel by AliC 10 hours ago. But, this is the first time one of my stories hit a milestone that, at one point, I did not think was possible. My most recent poll asked if, in a case in which there were two versions of a story, one with sex, one without, which would people prefer to read? But then she noticed that as she followed the nurse and the receptionist back to the waiting room, she saw that they each had a damp spot on their asses. A series of electrical sensors were patched onto the woman at various places to monitor their vitals. Alex glanced over at her, the expression on his face telling her he was halfway to being asleep right there. Sex Psychologist A man is hired as a sex psychologist on spaceship. Remembering what Johnson did, he held Jenn's face gently in his hands and thrust his hips, driving his cock in and out of her mouth. Clara Gets Her Tits Transsexual seeks breast enlargement. The Object of His Affection Ch. Oh Fuck, oh, oh fuck, oh fuck!

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Certain stories eventually hit the favorites mark. Welcome to the Fish Tank Marina becomes an aquarium's newest addition. A series of electrical sensors were patched onto the woman at various places to monitor their vitals. Default Font Spacing. Succubus' futa transformation Two friends meet up at a park but are watched by another. Patti had her own form to fill out, with her medical details and a consent form with some of the risks involved. Spurred by positive feedback on my recent poll as well as an itch to get some content out there after months of inactivity, I've posted Got A Fair Shake on Literotica. Bookmark Story. Most choose to ignore these voices, but for these primary characters, hear reader comments spoken to them in the wind. We have beautiful accommodation and a private beach for our clients if you'd like to book in for a short stay to recover from your treatment? A-Cup Angst Coven of witches grows breasts via a nerd. The Libido Virus: War A general attempts to battle the infected. Share this Story.

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