
More about my projects at www. You can get the latest version of this manual in different formats from here: User Littlenavmap.

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3. Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:. Note that the program translations and the user manual have not been updated yet. See here if you would like to run the beta release besides your stable installation: Little Navmap - User Manual - Portable Execution. Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of these.


Little Navmap is free. Ask for a refund if you have paid for it. Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 2. Little Navmap does not track its users and does not display advertisements. Help buttons in all relevant areas of the program display corresponding chapters in the online manual on click. A cycle database courtesy of Navigraph is included in the download and includes navaids, airways, airspaces, procedures and more. A widely configurable map display using the OpenStreetMap as a background map which is only one option of many online and included offline maps. A seamlessly integrated airport diagram displays taxiways, displaced thresholds, overrun areas, aprons, parking spots and more. Users can place airport traffic patterns , holdings or minimum sector altitude diagrams for visual guidance on the map. Selecting departure and destination runways allows to have extended runway center lines and vertical guidance in the elevation profile. Several flight plan formats can be exported using the flight plan multiexport feature with one click. An elevation profile is shown for the flight plan allowing to find a safe cruise altitude also displaying top of climb, top of descent and procedure altitude restrictions. Calculated and shown climb as well as descent paths adhere to altitude restrictions.

Use on of the two Little Xpconnect builds below if you see issues like wrong colors or ignored exclusion regions in Littlenavmap Better error report and warnings in output window, littlenavmap, littlenavmap. Now resetting empty file patterns in multiexport to default values on loading.

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 2. This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds improvements as well as new features. The updated online user manual is available here: Little Navmap - User Manual. See here for user manual downloads: User Manuals - Stable Releases. A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Little Navmap is free. Ask for a refund if you have paid for it. Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 2. Little Navmap does not track its users and does not display advertisements. Help buttons in all relevant areas of the program display corresponding chapters in the online manual on click. A cycle database courtesy of Navigraph is included in the download and includes navaids, airways, airspaces, procedures and more.


Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3. Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:. Note that the program translations and the user manual have not been updated yet. See here if you would like to run the beta release besides your stable installation: Little Navmap - User Manual - Portable Execution. Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of these. Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect. Keep in mind that this will revert map display and performance improvements. You can still continue to use it, though.

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Tabs 8. Update CSV import and export for userpoints to allow unit suffixes in altitude. Dock Window Stacks 8. Ground speed is now correctly shown. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid problems. Added airport transition level for X-Plane and Navigraph data. Scenery Library Fixed several issues with new X-Plane 12 runway surface types. Inserting a Procedure into a Flight Plan This previously resulted in negative travel times. Fixed various issues with units in userpoint edit dialog. The elevation profile is now calculated without error messages for these kind of flight plans.

More about my projects at www. You can get the latest version of this manual in different formats from here: User Manuals. The sources of this manual are available on GitHub.

See below for details and changes between the beta and candidate releases as well as links to the related user manual chapters. Fix for stacked dock windows appearing in the wrong order after un-minimizing main window. Context Menu Map Now adding STAR to plan for these cases. Fixed issue where no departure runway could be selected if a plan consisted of only one airport. Added more clickable blue links for files and folders in information, warning or question dialog windows. Feet is default when using no suffix. Backups Translation and Locale 6. Reverse Top Buttons Default style on macOS after first start is now Fusion and also reset on update since the default macOS style is too clunky. Configurable in options dialog. Fixed wrong flight plan read while importing from SimBrief and changing plan with download dialog open.

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