longhorns movie online

Longhorns movie online

Back ina Texas University student who was curious about the male longhorns movie online fantasies he had been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus.

Longhorns is a coming-of-age comedy drama film that was released in The film follows the story of a group of college friends in the s who come together to experiment with their sexuality. One day, while hanging out with his friends, Kevin proposes that they all experiment sexually with each other. Initially hesitant, the group eventually agrees to his proposal and embark on a journey of sexual exploration. As the group members engage in new sexual experiences, tensions begin to rise between Kevin and Cesar. Cesar is not comfortable with the idea of experimenting with other men and this creates a rift between him and Kevin. Meanwhile, Kevin discovers that he has also developed feelings for one of his female friends and this further complicates his relationship with Cesar.

Longhorns movie online


Watch Longhorns. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. United States.


Back in , a Texas University student who is curious about the male sex fantasies he's been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus. Mendoza Lewis Tice. Romance Comedy. Look, the acting in this is terrible. The nudity is completely gratuitous. And the story is weak and ridiculous.

Longhorns movie online

The third time's the charm for writer-director David Lewis, whose first two gay-themed features were earnest but undercooked dramas. By Dennis Harvey. Thoroughly likable indie has a shot at modest theatrical exposure, but in any case should prove a VOD favorite for gay home viewers. Defending Cesar from his homophobic pal Justin Kevin Held , Kevin is admirably tolerant but also in serious denial of his own urges, as frequently voiced in amusingly folksy voiceover narration.

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The film has a nostalgic feel to it and captures the essence of the era perfectly. Connections Features The Rifleman Powered by Alexa. More to explore. Comedy Drama Romance. Related news. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Justin : I got butt-naked for you, dick-breath. Kevin Held Justin. See the list. Edit page.

We checked for updates on streaming services on March 16, at p.

Featured review. The film is set in the s and this is reflected in the production design and costumes. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Stephen Matzke Danny. It's a very light-hearted "coming out" movie that has a very good moral to it, and even some sharp insights; the main character treated other openly gay characters the same way HE was treated, specifically by the guys he was attracted to. Edit page. Gay-themed movies have traditionally be grated on a curve, and in my opinion, this one stands on its own. Chuck Connors Lucas McCain archive footage uncredited. Sophia Revelli Camille. Details Edit. Longhorns doesn't appear to be available from any streaming services. United States. Dylan Vox is also excellent as Andy, one of Kevin's male friends. Quotes Justin : I got butt-naked for you, dick-breath.

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