love and other drugs imdb

Love and other drugs imdb

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In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. Jamie Randall : Hey, Lisa. Bruce Winston : Her name's not Lisa. Jamie Randall : I know. I know.

Love and other drugs imdb

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. I enjoyed the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway quite a bit. It's definitely the selling point of this film and makes it watchable. The story involving pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry is interesting, as is the late 90s setting. The film ultimately falls into typical rom com conventions though. However, the chemistry of the two leads and the focus on the struggle of Parkinson's help make this one slightly rise above the pack. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. This film surprised me in a good way. From the trailer and the posters to be found in many of the bus shelters of our town it would have been fair to have expected a routine rom-com. Jake Gylenhall pulls off the role of super bright but super slacker son Jamie in a high achieving family well and is convincing as a magnetising presence that women find irresistible.

Bruce Winston : Her name's not Lisa.

In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. Jamie Randall : Hey, Lisa. Bruce Winston : Her name's not Lisa. Jamie Randall : I know. I know.

He's a charmer, determined to sell his way out of Ohio and into the big Chicago market, and if that involves flirting with the receptionists in doctors' offices, it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it. The movie takes place at that point in the s when Viagra was tumescing in the marketplace, and Jamie is riding the success of his employer, Pfizer. He infiltrates hospitals, befriends doctors, pushes drugs and sabotages the best efforts of his aggressive rival Trey Hannigan Gabriel Macht , whose product Prozac is outselling Zoloft. Whether these products, or any of their products, works very well is not a concern of the salesmen. They sell. James is egged on by his supervisor Bruce Winston Oliver Platt , and it seems quite possible he'll make it to Chicago when his life makes an unexpected course correction. He's buddies with Dr. Stan Knight Hank Azaria , who introduces him as his intern and allows him to observe as he palpitates the breast of his lovely patient Maggie Murdock Anne Hathaway. Strictly speaking, doctors aren't supposed to do that. Maggie discovers the fraud, and in the course of an argument with Jamie about it they both grow so passionate that, well, they rip off each other's clothes and fall upon a bed in a confusion of sheets and moans.

Love and other drugs imdb

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal , Anne Hathaway , Oliver Platt , Hank Azaria , Josh Gad and Gabriel Macht , the film tells the story of a medicine peddler in s Pittsburgh who starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from an illness that leads to Parkinson's disease. It received mixed reviews from critics. In , womanizer Jamie Randall is fired from a Pittsburgh electronics store for having sex with his manager's girlfriend. His wealthy brother, Josh, refers him for a job as a pharmaceutical sales representative. After attending a Pfizer training program, Jamie goes to work for them, attempting to get doctors to prescribe Zoloft. He is rebuffed, much to the dismay of his regional manager, Bruce, who sees him as his ticket to the Chicago market. Bruce suggests he get Dr. Stan Knight to prescribe Zoloft instead of Prozac , so other doctors will follow. Jamie tries to gain access to Dr.

He probably was supposed to be the comic relief, but was just annoying with dirty sex talk. California Man. Kimberly Scott Gail. Viagra Rep uncredited. Dancer Marissa Magnuson There's no question that the main reason to watch this film would be for Gyllenhaal and Hathaway who are both fabulous and you can't help but feel with any other actors this film probably wouldn't have worked at all. I agree that portions of this movie were VERY Hollywood and over the top,and also that it was trying to be everything for everyone love story,guy's flick, corporate commentary, light-hearted comedy, melodrama,etc. In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. This basically lasted through the credits as he gets fired for being a little too charming with the boss's girlfriend in the stock room. The two stars have a lot of chemistry together and they really do come across like a real couple. New Customer?

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. I enjoyed the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway quite a bit.

Knight goes in to see a patient and Jamie wearing a white lab coat pretends to be an intern. See the full list. At work, Jamie gets the green light to sell Viagra and suddenly he is extremely popular, and the doctors pursue him. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. You just have to mix it all and the success is granted and then the movie is able to receive unbelievable 7. Jamie starts taking Maggie to specialists and seminars across the country, paying for her to have tests done and maxing out his credit cards on hotel rooms and airfares. Maggie Murdock : I'm gonna need you more than you need me. I really thought Hathaway was the stand out here as she dives head first into this troubled character and I thought she nailed every aspect. Oliver Pratt's drug rep has a wonderful scene delivered over dinner and there's even a smart drunken ramble explaining what is wrong with being a doctor and a commentary on the state of the Hippocratic Oath. Homeless Man Dana Dancho Bruce Winston. Until he begins to sell Viagra and becomes an instant hit with the doctors and with his own company. Was this review helpful?

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