magic the gathering dragon commander deck

Magic the gathering dragon commander deck

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MTGGoldfish is supported by its audience. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Dragon Commander by scotsman Report Deck Name. Buy from Card Kingdom. Buy from Cardhoarder. Buy from TCGplayer. Rent from Cardhoarder.

Magic the gathering dragon commander deck

The rule of cool is a solid place to start when making a deck for the Commander format, and it's hard to get much cooler than dragons. These evocative, flying monsters are popular for many reasons, but there is something supremely satisfying about obliterating your opponents with massive, winged lizards. If that sounds like a good time to you, then Commander is the best place to do it, and I'm here to guide you through the best way to build your very own draconic horde or hoard, both really. First things first, you need to pick who is going to lead your deck. There are a truly staggering number of potential legendary creatures that can command a dragon deck, though we are only going to look at Commanders that have clear, creature type payoffs. Generally, the only thing I recommend avoiding is trying to build dragons without red, otherwise, the tribe is fair game. There are a handful of creatures that represent the most prominent, powerful ways to build dragons, and I have gone ahead and ranked what I believe to be the top ten options for your dragon army though keep in mind, these are also great in the 99! Within this top ten, you may notice some distinct sub-themes in terms of what your deck wants to be doing. The Ur-Dragon , Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Tiamat , and Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy are all just what I would call "good stuff," all they ask is that you play the best dragons and reward you for doing so. Sylvia x Khorvath and Atarka, World Render want to see dragons crashing in for massive combat steps through double strike. Regardless of which strategy you want to employ, however, there are some draconic staples and build-arounds that you should strongly consider for any dragon deck. Just about any dragon-sized hoard of cards should include some of the best tribal payoffs.

The scourge does a solid job of throwing damage based on the width of your board, while Dragon's Fire sees high-power dragons and can get rid of just about anything in the process.


The rule of cool is a solid place to start when making a deck for the Commander format, and it's hard to get much cooler than dragons. These evocative, flying monsters are popular for many reasons, but there is something supremely satisfying about obliterating your opponents with massive, winged lizards. If that sounds like a good time to you, then Commander is the best place to do it, and I'm here to guide you through the best way to build your very own draconic horde or hoard, both really. First things first, you need to pick who is going to lead your deck. There are a truly staggering number of potential legendary creatures that can command a dragon deck, though we are only going to look at Commanders that have clear, creature type payoffs. Generally, the only thing I recommend avoiding is trying to build dragons without red, otherwise, the tribe is fair game. There are a handful of creatures that represent the most prominent, powerful ways to build dragons, and I have gone ahead and ranked what I believe to be the top ten options for your dragon army though keep in mind, these are also great in the 99! Within this top ten, you may notice some distinct sub-themes in terms of what your deck wants to be doing. The Ur-Dragon , Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Tiamat , and Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy are all just what I would call "good stuff," all they ask is that you play the best dragons and reward you for doing so. Sylvia x Khorvath and Atarka, World Render want to see dragons crashing in for massive combat steps through double strike.

Magic the gathering dragon commander deck

MTGGoldfish is supported by its audience. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Buy from Card Kingdom. Buy from Cardhoarder. Buy from TCGplayer. Rent from Cardhoarder. Commander 1 Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy 1 Unc. Enchantments 7 1 Clout of the Dominus 1 Comm. Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy. Harmonic Prodigy.

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Finally, Subterranean Tremors and Magmaquake both offer board wipes that are potentially all upside for you—your dragons are all in the air after all! Sandsteppe Citadel. At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library. Cavern of Souls. Seaside Citadel. Savai Triome. Sneak Attack. Wooded Foothills. Balefire Dragon. Scourge of the Throne.

Check out all the new cards plus returning reprints in the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Card Image Gallery and extended-art versions of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander deck cards available in Collector Boosters.

Five-color decks let you run the best of the best, not having to limit yourself in any way other than any self-imposed limitations. Sol Ring. You may put that card on the bottom of your library. You can't go wrong with a good Swords to Plowshares and flexible removal like Chaos Warp , but there is something much more satisfying about slinging dragonfire at your opponents. If you're building your deck from scratch, I personally recommend putting as much of your budget as you can into your lands, as it will perform much better that way. Terror of the Peaks is more removal, Two-Headed Hellkite is more card draw, and Dragonlord Dromoka helps protect your board during your turn while padding your life total. Demonic Tutor and Brainstorm are easy picks, as are any other catch-all tutors or draw spells, but dragons can easily take advantage of some specific draw power. Heroic Intervention. All of these lands give you a clear line of play and reward you in one way or another for playing your dragons. Mana Crypt. Maelstrom Pulse. Mana Confluence. Snow-Covered Plains. Scalding Tarn.

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