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As a result of our hard work, today, we are proud to offer an unparalleled suite of legal recruiting and talent management services around the major lindsay africa. Our values are the navigational beacons that guide us as we serve our candidates and clients. We operate ethically, honestly and in the best interests of our clients. We are known for our reliability, responsiveness, major lindsay africa, expertise, professionalism and empathy.

Skip to main content. With more than experienced search consultants based in 25 cities around the world, we have earned recognition for our track record of successful general counsel, corporate counsel, partner, associate and law firm management placements in both mature and challenging markets throughout the USA, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America. If you are looking to explore law firm or in-house opportunities, please visit our website www. My client is one of the worlds most successful fintech stories of the last decade, now operating in 27 countries, with a fully remote but high cali Wealth management lawyers please get in touch to discuss a brilliant contract opportunity with a confidential client.

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Director - Candidate Development. Howard Cohl. They are a well established business with


As a result of our hard work, today, we are proud to offer an unparalleled suite of legal recruiting and talent management services around the world. Our values are the navigational beacons that guide us as we serve our candidates and clients. We operate ethically, honestly and in the best interests of our clients. We are known for our reliability, responsiveness, expertise, professionalism and empathy. Mutual Trust and Respect.

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How we do business is as important to us as what we do. Our values are the navigational beacons that guide us as we serve our candidates and clients. Explore our current employment opportunities and become a part of a company that is setting the standard in its industry. Home About Us. Having successfully matched top legal talent with opportunities in Fortune corporations, higher education institutions, governmental agencies and prestigious law firms, we have expanded our offerings over time to deliver an unparalleled suite of recruiting and advisory services.

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Over a career spanning more than 30 years, Mark Yacano has guided a wide range of law departments on both legal and business strategy. Hiring Freeze? Brian McMahon. Rebecca Glatzer, a Managing Director in our Associate Practice Group, specializes in placing attorneys of all levels in top-tier national, international and regional law firms and companies…. Director — Client Development. Kathryn Martin. Thanh Nguyen. Lee Udelsman. Expertly Written. We also believe that we can best serve our clients, our candidates and our firm if we work together; and that shared success and the success of our colleagues leads to success for each of us. Anthony Graham. Business of Law. Rebecca Glatzer. She shifted….

We are always looking for the best talent to grow our thriving teams and help take us to the next level of excellence. Discover the opportunities that exist and what it's like to be a part of the team. Explore our healthcare, life insurance and other special employee programs.

Legal Analysis. We are known for our reliability, responsiveness, expertise, professionalism and empathy. Ashish Raivadera. Skip to main content. Director of Candidate Development. He uses his deep knowledge of the legal…. Mindy Allen. Dat Privacy Manager role in a leading healthcare business. Sign Up to receive our free e-Newsbulletins. Michael Sachs. Alternative Legal Service Providers to the Rescue. Brian McMahon. Anthony Graham.

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