male arab model

Male arab model

Best match. Most popular.

With regional female models taking over the international fashion scene — a new wave of promising young Arab male models have flooded our IG feeds. MILLE asks: who should we keep an eye on and why are we so obsessed? In addition to starring in campaigns for Versace, the French-Tunisian model has also graced the catwalks of renowned brands such as Burberry and Aigner. The up-and-coming model has also fronted editorials for Moncler and walked runways for Louis Vuitton and Rhude, after making his catwalk debut at Saint Laurent. Initially a boxer, he found commercial success after signing with Next Model Management at an early age.

Male arab model

Best match. Most popular. RF and RM. Male portrait in studio. Portrait of young man looking away against gray background. Wrist Watch. Portrait of a stylish, fashion and cool man standing in a studio with a gray background. Young, confident and serious indian model in a handsome, edgy and casual and outfit or clothes. Male portrait. Brunet man in coat in forest. Portrait of a handsome muscular man. Arab man playing with his son at home. Portrait of a confident, stylish young man with vitiligo. Arabic boy closeup wearing traditional clothes.

Mature Executive. Male portrait in studio.


Male portrait in studio. Handsome tattooed man in glasses laughing. Handsome tattooed man in glasses looking at camera. Portrait of young man looking away against gray background. Wrist Watch. Portrait of a stylish, fashion and cool man standing in a studio with a gray background. Young, confident and serious indian model in a handsome, edgy and casual and outfit or clothes. Male portrait. Brunet man in coat in forest.

Male arab model

There was once a time when Arab models on the runway was a rare sight but that is no longer the case as the fashion industry has made major strides towards embracing inclusivity in recent years, resulting in a diverse spectrum of models hitting the catwalk. Some of the most famous faces in the industry today have Arab roots, including arguably the top supermodels in the world, Gigi and Bella Hadid, who are part-Palestinian from their paternal side. Meanwhile, part-Moroccan models Imaan Hammam , Malika El-Maslouhi, and Nora Attal hardly require an introduction— we practically lost count of how many shows they opened and closed, and magazine covers and campaigns they lent their faces to. And now, their male counterparts are also making waves in the fashion industry. A post shared by Hedi hedi. A post shared by Kenza Safsaf kenzasafsaf.

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Young man with beard posing on city street. His positive messages and motivational quotes are what makes him a one-of-a-kind model. Mohamed Hassan The Egyptian model based in Amsterdam is certainly one to keep a close watch on. Monochrome of Discussion on a laptop between multicultural business professional. Male portrait. Human Evolution. Young, confident and serious indian model in a handsome, edgy and casual and outfit or clothes. Portrait of a handsome muscular man. Friends Smoking together. Arab Family taking selfie in a park. Monochrome of Discussion on a laptop between multicultural business professional. Brunet man in coat in forest. Celebrity Couple Smiling For Camera.

Male portrait in studio. Wrist Watch.

Instagram Twitter Pinterest Facebook-f Youtube. Arab Family taking selfie in a park. Male portrait in studio. He appeared in several local campaigns and magazine covers. Confident, joyful and young male model with a happiness and positive lifestyle by gray background. Male portrait. Monochromatic Image of an Arab Couple. Related stories. RF and RM. Arabic boy closeup portrait. Best match.

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