maria kanellis naked

Maria kanellis naked

Several explicit snaps have been posted, showing a woman taking nude photos in a bathroom and on a bed - days after Paige became the first famous face to be victim of the hacking, maria kanellis naked.

Mary Louis " Maria " Kanellis-Bennett [7] [8] [9] born February 25, [1] is an American professional wrestler , manager , promoter, actress and model. Outside of wrestling, she is known for her Playboy magazine pictorial and appearances on the Celebrity Apprentice television series. Kanellis' career began as a contestant on the reality show Outback Jack in In the same year, she placed fifth in the Diva Search , and was later hired by WWE as a backstage interviewer. Kanellis began competing in the ring as a professional wrestler in and received the Slammy Award for Diva of the Year in Kanellis was born in Ottawa, Illinois. She has two younger siblings; a brother and sister named Bill and Janny, respectively.

Maria kanellis naked


UK Edition. Archived from the original on December 26, Archived from the original on October 25,


Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announce pregnancy, power couple exude fashion supremacy in these pictures. Jennifer Lopez dazzles in a stunning metallic gown with mesh cutout, see pictures of the style icon. Nita Ambani's mesmerizing Vishwambhari Stuti performance dazzles guests at Anant-Radhika's pre-wedding celebration. Ambani ladies steal the spotlight: Nita, Shloka, Esha shine alongside radiant bride-to-be Radhika Merchant at Hastakshar ceremony. Anant, Radhika's Hastakshar ceremony: Bride-to-be looks dreamy in beige lehenga, see inside pictures from Day 3 Jamnagar gala. Jamnagar's fashion fever: Celebrity couples sizzle at the Ambani bash with their stylish presence. Ram Charan and Upasana embrace festive joy: A heartwarming Christmas celebration with their six-month-old daughter. Newlyweds Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi radiate joy as they celebrate their first Diwali surrounded by family bliss, see pictures. Nayanthara's heartwarming moment: Embracing motherhood as she holds her little son, internet melts over the cuteness.

Maria kanellis naked

Over the past year, several WWE Superstars fell victim to a series of nude photo leaks. Maria Kanellis was one of the unfortunate few that hackers exploited. Despite the egregious invasion of privacy, Kannelis has a healthy perspective on the matter. The year old returned to WWE in the summer of but has been away from the company for a few months since her and husband and fellow WWE Superstar, Mike Bennett announced they were expecting a child. Kanellis' pending motherhood is what charged a lengthy statement on Facebook where she addressed not only the nude photo leak but her appearance in Playboy earlier in her career. I have never been afraid to show off my body.

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Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved June 14, Retrieved June 13, She made her debut on the August 1 episode of SmackDown by defeating Victoria. Archived from the original on April 22, Archived from the original on January 15, Archived from the original on March 18, Retrieved July 19, Archived from the original on April 19, March 1, Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 9,

Last year, Maria Kanellis was one of several female wrestling figures who became a victim of nude photo leaks. The absent WWE star and one-time Playboy cover girl is now speaking out on the situation.

Archived from the original on June 25, Archived from the original on September 21, Retrieved March 19, Archived from the original on September 2, September 25, Retrieved January 17, Retrieved August 18, Retrieved June 23, On December 17, , she was a guest host on G4's Attack of the Show. World Wrestling Entertainment. Archived from the original on August 10,

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