Mass effect quotes

Exploration of ethical dilemmas: Mass Effect raises important questions about the consequences of our choices and actions, particularly in relation to issues such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and the nature of consciousness. The game prompts players to consider the wider moral implications of the decisions they make, highlighting the complexity of ethical dilemmas. Mass effect quotes of relationships and emotions: The book emphasizes the significance of building meaningful connections with others. In the Mass Effect universe, relationships have a tangible impact on the outcomes of the story, mass effect quotes.

While the Mass Effect games have seen few games or DLC over the past few years, the older games still hold their own when compared to the likes of The Witcher or other large RPG titles. One of the best parts of Mass Effect that set it apart is the unique characters, each with morals and behaviors that seem like real people. When the drama kicks off between other characters, sparks fly and create some of the best moments in any video game. It can be arguments, violence, or just banter, but these moments show Mass Effect at it's finest. Updated December 26th, by Lee Juckiewicz: Despite Mass Effect: Andromeda's doomed ending, the fourth game of the franchise remained popular amongst fans for approaching the setting through a whole new set of eyes. Though there were concerns at the time that this was the end of Mass Effect, we were delighted to hear news of Mass Effect 4 on this year's N7 Day.

Mass effect quotes

That could be anyone wearing your face. You want to talk, you get scanned. Depends on the questions. But you need more. Everyone needs more something and they all come to me. Omega has no titled ruler and only one rule. If you forget, someone will remind you. And on your ship that would matter. Here, we entertain my preferences. So, what can I do for you? Information is power. Mundane things you can find yourself. Take a walk in a back alley or buy one of the mercs a drink.

Legion: You were the most successful. I'm a high-functioning alcoholic.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Sovereign : We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it. Urdnott Wrex : So this is the famous turian general? How did your kind ever defeat us?

Mass Effect is a role-playing game series set in the Milky Way where players get a chance to experience a journey like no other. Courage and perseverance are the prime keys to success when faced with battles filled with uncertainties. And make sure to read these Skyrim quotes and Dark Souls quotes. Just like we did Sovereign. We will sacrifice! And we will find a way!

Mass effect quotes

There are many reasons that the Mass Effect franchise is as beloved as it is, even after all these years. The rich universe of characters and cultures, the engaging gameplay, and the freedom of players to choose different routes are factors worth noting. However, what often goes overlooked are the nuggets of wisdom spoken by the characters. When it comes to quotes, people think of "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel. Some of them are funny, some of them are profound, but they are all unforgettable. Here are ten quotes from the series that will always stick with us.

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One of those may be at fault. Explored religions after work was completed. Jarral, defences are down. Signal the fleet through the relay! Neutral response Shepard: EDI isn't a crutch. Kasumi "I like Kasumi, but why do I feel like I need to check the Citadel for parts she may have pawned? That was just warm up. There are pieces of us in the heretics. I eventually found a certain respect for the title. Narl will explain it. Kelly: I like you more and more each day, Shepard. EDI: I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees. Archer: Man's reach exceeding his grasp.

Mass Effect is an enthralling video game series about an intergalactic battle against a species known as the Reapers. The games showcase some fascinating dialogue exchanges between their characters. We've picked the best of those quotes in this curated list.

Nothing more. Ambassador Calyn : Pleased greetings: Human it is always good to see your kind. I brought you back from the dead! The processing plant for one of the mines. In my case, it happens to be true, but still. Seems a little cannibalistic to me, what with their tentacle heads and all, but they know good grub. In the game, this inquiry is posed by a synthetic being struggling with existential questions about its own purpose and existence. I can see why she's good at her work Hard to see big picture behind pile of corpses. In the face of imminent danger and potential death, this quote reflects their willingness to put their own life on the line to ensure the survival and prosperity of their community. You know those are always great to have around. We all knew Thane wasn't going to make it to the end of Mass Effect 3. So, what can I do for you? Tali'Zorah saved the Citadel! Lock it down.

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