matlab inf

Matlab inf

Help Center Help Center. Infinity results from operations like division by zero and overflow, which lead to results too large to represent as conventional floating-point values, matlab inf.

Help Center Help Center. For double-precision, Inf represents numbers larger than realmax. For single-precision, Inf represents numbers larger than realmax 'single'. For example, Inf 3,4 returns a 3-by-4 matrix. For example, Inf [3 4] returns a 3-by-4 matrix. You can specify typename or 'like' but not both. Create a 2-byby-4 array of Inf values and display its size.

Matlab inf


For additional codistributed syntaxes, see Inf codistributed Parallel Computing Toolbox.


Help Center Help Center. Infinity results from operations like division by zero and overflow, which lead to results too large to represent as conventional floating-point values. Use the isinf function to verify that x is positive or negative infinity:. The exact bit-wise hexadecimal representation of this NaN value is,. Always use the isnan function to verify that the elements in an array are NaN :.

Matlab inf

Help Center Help Center. If A contains complex numbers, isinf A contains 1 for elements with infinite real or imaginary part, and 0 for elements where both real and imaginary parts are finite or NaN. Create an array of complex numbers. Determine whether the complex numbers contain infinite values. The second element of A has an infinite imaginary part. For this element, isinf returns 1. If x is a real scalar, exactly one of isfinite x , isinf x , and isnan x returns logical 1 true. For a complex scalar z , isinf z and isnan z can both return logical 1. This function fully supports tall arrays.

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Size of square matrix, specified as an integer. Clone Size from Existing Array. You can specify typename or 'like' but not both. Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Do you want to open this example with your edits? You can also specify p as a codistributed or distributed array. However, in some special cases perhaps due to hardware limitations , MATLAB does not preserve the exact bit pattern of alternate NaN representations throughout an entire calculation, and instead uses the canonical NaN bit pattern defined above. This function fully supports thread-based environments. Create a 2-byby-4 array of Inf values and display its size. You can also specify the output type based on the type of another variable. Inf Create array of all Inf values collapse all in page.

Help Center Help Center. Infinity results from operations like division by zero and overflow, which lead to results too large to represent as conventional floating-point values.

Create a variable p of type single. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Do you want to open this example with your edits? Create a 1-by-3 vector of Inf values whose elements are of type single. See Also isinf isfinite NaN realmax. Based on your location, we recommend that you select:. Search MathWorks. Always use the isnan function to verify that the elements in an array are NaN :. You have a modified version of this example. If you specify typename as 'codistributed' or 'distributed' , the default underlying type of the returned array is double. Off-Canvas Navigation Menu Toggle. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Clone Size from Existing Array. You can specify typename as 'gpuArray'. Inf Create array of all Inf values collapse all in page.

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