maycee barber nude

Maycee barber nude

Maycee Barber born May 18, is an American mixed martial artist. Barber was born in Greeley, Colorado.

Maycee Barber is on a roll at pounds. UFC pic. In Round 1, Barber came out throwing heavy punches, forcing Cerminara to clinch. Cerminara landed a brief takedown, but Barber immediately popped back up. Cerminara shot for a takedown, but Barber made her pay by sprawling and landing some big punches.

Maycee barber nude

TD Avg. TD Acc. TD Def. Gillian Robertson. Polyana Viana. UFC Strickland vs. Du Plessis. Tabatha Ricci. Piera Rodriguez. Mariya Agapova. JJ Aldrich.

Gillian Robertson Poliana Botelho. They clinched against the cage again, as Cerminara worked for a takedown.


As Maycee Barber steps into the vibrant atmosphere of Miami, Florida, she's feeling all the good vibes. Barber expresses her excitement to be back in the Sunshine State, this time in the "fun spot" of Miami. It's a homecoming of sorts, a chance to showcase her skills in a city known for its energy and excitement. Topuria in Jacksonville saw her secure a second-round TKO victory against veteran Amanda Ribas, further cementing her status as a rising star in the flyweight division. The competitive landscape of the pound weight class has seen significant changes since Barber's previous fight, with new talents emerging. Full Miami Fight Card Preview. Since jumping onto the roster in , Barber has been on a rapid trajectory towards success, with just two losses on her UFC record, one of which was to the current women's flyweight champ, Alexa Grasso, at UFC

Maycee barber nude

In her first fight back after suffering a significant knee injury, Maycee Barber faced a rising flyweight contender in Alexa Grasso at UFC Even though she came up short that day against Grasso, that third round was a major moment for Barber. She came at Grasso with relentless pressure and was truly feeling herself all the way up to the final horn.

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Katlyn Cerminara 7. Both fighters clinched again, but Barber landed a big right on the exit, followed by a combination. November 10, Retrieved 21 January Tabatha Ricci. Las Vegas, Nevada , United States. February 13, Taila Santos. American mixed martial artist. MMA Junkie.

The latest updates to the UFC rankings across all divisions are here. Take a look at which fighters moved up and down in the most recent edition and the spots on the line at UFC Fight Night: Tuivasa vs Tybura.

Du Plessis Jan. Gillian Robertson Maycee Barber. Ariane Lipski Download as PDF Printable version. Tools Tools. Please enter an email address. Gillian Robertson Piera Rodriguez. UFC Strickland vs. In an interview with Yahoo Sports' Kevin Iole, Barber's father, Bucky Barber, said: "At that point, it was, 'OK, the better we make her as a fighter, the less damage she's going to take. Share this article share. They closed out the fight with some dirty boxing as Barber outworked Cerminara for the decision win.

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