mcu fpu

Mcu fpu

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Can someone suggest a microcontroller platform that has a built in floating-point-unit? Preferably small, inexpensive and easy to work with, well supported, plenty of libraries I'm working on an astrolabe and there is a ton of floating point math involved calculating the positions of celestial objects. A microcontroller at 16 MHz or 48MHz is not even near a normal computer. The microcontrollers are cheap and simple and don't have a FPU. I think you need for example a small Core i3 computer.

Mcu fpu


Mcu fpu most numerical problems can be solved with integer or fixed-point implementations, without much loss of performance.


Would you bet on it? One of the problems we have in the electronics and computing industries is a surfeit of TLAs three letter acronyms. The fact that the same TLA can be used to represent multiple and diverse things only exacerbates the matter. I just had a quick Google while no one was looking. I was trying to track a saying down. Instead, I ended up falling down a Google rabbit hole with topics like:.

Mcu fpu

Espressif Systems SSE: ESPP4 is designed for high-performance applications that require strong security. In fact, ESPP4 aims to cater to the next era of embedded applications which will rely on solid support for rich Human-Machine Interfaces, efficient edge computing, and increased IO-connectivity requirements. This is critical in terms of supporting ultra-low-power applications which may occasionally require high computing. In such scenarios, the HP cores can be kept down for most of the time, for the purpose of saving power. This high-performance memory system, along with the support for external PSRAM and Flash, ensures that the memory-access latency and the available size of memory are not limited. Strong security is at the heart of ESPP4.

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The latter might also meet your requirements, but has at least had an awkward documentation, and limited support by common toolchains. PaulRB: How about this? I don't know about the Arduino Even the modest 8-bit 16MHz Arduino can do the math, albeit quite slowly. The microcontrollers are cheap and simple and don't have a FPU. Up 0 True Down Cancel. That's a long time to the user between the time they select a body and see the output. Many MCUs only support bit external interfaces with wait states , which is probably detrimental to performance requirements. Infineon had M4 cores with such a large RAM, but neither they are "low power". I hear that some of the popular Unix implementations for these don't support Floating point HW don't provide libraries that use it, don't save the CPU context in task switching, etc. Probably little or no demand to justify the extra cost.


A microcontroller at 16 MHz or 48MHz is not even near a normal computer. Which compiler is that? Infineon had M4 cores with such a large RAM, but neither they are "low power". MrMark April 6, , pm 9. MSP :. When the related question is created, it will be automatically linked to the original question. It's just not a popular or well supported platform, and I've had only limited success at porting libraries from other platforms to it. Ask a new question Ask a new question Cancel. Ask a related question What is a related question? Energia seems to support HW floating point at the moment, judging by the compile command: l.

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