Ministry of magic

At the heart of the Potterverse sits the British Ministry of Magic, the government authority that oversees everything in the British wizarding world.

Founded in , the Ministry of Magic is a secret ministry that governed the wizarding community in Britain for many years. The Ministry is governed by the Minister of Magic, who enjoys nearly autocratic powers, and the secretive Wizengamot, making the Ministry a police state on many occasions. After Voldemort's return in , the Ministry eventually becomes a fascist government but when Harry Potter defeats the latter, the Ministry is reformed. When there's an evil witch or wizard out there, the Ministry sends the Aurors to take care of it. And considering the Wizarding World faces Dementors, people who use magic that can torture people or instantly kill them, and the likes of Big Bad Voldemort and his supporters, it's no small feat to become an Auror. Badass Longcoat : With the exception of Tonks and Kingsley, Aurors in the films are depicted as middle-aged gentlemen in trenchcoats.

Ministry of magic

Read More. In each case, the summits appear to have been intentionally disrupted by goblins, who… Read More. QA5 … Read More. Wand use by Quidditch players during matches is banned After the extremely violent final match of the first Quidditch World Cup in , seven hundred fouls were identified and listed. Most of these violent fouls were the result of players using wands to curse opposing players, which led in to an outright ban on using a… Read More. Goblin Rebellion of The Goblin Rebellion of takes place at least partially in Scotland, since the inn at Hogsmeade serves as headquarters during this rebellion PS5. The goblins object to the rules against goblin ownership of wands which are set down by the Wizarding community. It makes it illegal for any non-human magical being to carry a wand JKR-W3. Many see the failure of this mission as one of the prime motivating factors behind the Statute of Secrecy. The discussion about magical creatures lasts seven weeks and includes delegations of goblins, centaurs, and merpeople. The result of this summit is the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, which effectively hid the Wizarding community away from the Muggles Pm. The Ministry of Magic is formed The Ministry is formed as part of the massive transition in the Wizarding world which followed the passage of the International Statute of Secrecy in

This is presumably a security device to keep non-employees of the department from reaching a desired room.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. A Ministry of Magic was the primary governing body of the magical community in many countries. Headed by a Minister for Magic , a Ministry of Magic was responsible for regulating and enforcing laws for the magical community, as well as keeping said community hidden from the Muggle world. In Great Britain , at least, the term "Ministry of Magic" seemed to be synonymous with "form of wizarding government", since the term was, on occasion, loosely applied to also refer to the Wizards' Council that preceded the British Ministry. There were alternative magical governing bodies known to the international magical community such as the Council of Magic , the Argentinian one being a case in point.

Arthur Weasley takes Harry to the Ministry of Magic for his scheduled hearing and Harry gets a look at the Ministry building and the setup of its offices. The action of this chapter takes place on Thursday 12 August We know that it was a Thursday because the previous evening was said to have been a Wednesday OP6. This chapter is the largest single source of information about the organisation of the Ministry of Magic. The unseen subject of the portrait who is lurking just out of sight beyond the frame is Phineas Nigellus Black. We'll be properly introduced to him much later, at Christmastime. We need to be a bit more careful, [Scrimgeour]'s been asking Kingsley and me funny questions As of OP , we had not yet met Scrimgeour. The hearing's on my floor, in Amelia Bones' office. Here we have a few nuggets of information both about the floorplan of the Ministry offices and about standard procedure in disciplinary hearings; the latter is of interest, since it is not followed in this case.

Ministry of magic

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. The Ministry of Magic M. England , Scotland and Wales and Ireland , with the intention of preservation of magical law. The Ministry connected the British government to the wizarding world. The headquarters of the Ministry was under the HM Treasury building and Whitehall , [2] in central London , deep underground. It was headed by the Minister for Magic. By , the Minister for Magic was Hermione Granger. The Ministry of Magic was formed as a successor to the earlier Wizards' Council and came into being in

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While Fudge pretends as if everything is fine, is manipulated by his treacherous underlings, and goes along with Head-in-the-Sand Management , Crouch is a Knight Templar who was as ruthless as some of those on Voldemort's side, imprisoned many suspected of allegiance with Voldemort without trial, and was more effective in dealing with Voldemort more than Fudge or Scrimgeour ever were. He was a reactionary, who attempted to close down the Department of Mysteries , which ignored him. Age Lift : In the books she's implied to be an older woman with grey hair. Tonks becomes an Auror Tonks completes her three years of training and qualifies as an Auror. Character s Harry Potter , Voldemort. Fudge knows he's a weak man trying to play the strong man, but won't admit it. When it comes to communication between the Minister for Magic and the UK prime minister their equivalent in the Muggle world , chitchat and diplomatic photo opportunities are out, but the two do meet under important or troubling circumstances. By the time of Order of the Phoenix , in his effort to be his own man, Fudge seems to have shifted to just making all his decisions based on Lucius Malfoy and Dolores Umbridge's advice. Witch Hunt : He turns the battle against the Death Eaters into a borderline version of this, ironically enough, both due to paranoia and to keep up general morale by making the Ministry appear effective at battling Voldemort. They were also both admired by Percy Weasley, and were both favoured to become Britain's Minister of Magic at one point Fudge succeeded in his case.

The Ministry of Magic is the governing body of magic in Great Britain and is responsible for the administrative requirements of its citizens in magical Britain.

Pius Thicknesse, who was put under the Imperius Curse a week or two before, is installed as the new Minister. Current Wiki. It was only after the war had ended and the people finally managed to calm themselves from their savage approvals of Crouch's methodologies that they finally saw how cruel he was, and socially shunned him for his corruption. Knight Templar : Noted by other characters to have used methods no different from Voldemort's in the First Wizarding War. He dedicated his entire life and career to combating the Dark Arts, but despite his increasingly extreme methods helping turn the tide against Voldemort, none of it mattered. A rather easygoing and jovial fellow, he's also a gambling addict who has bet on Harry to win the Triwizard Tournament, and tries to help him win so he can pay back gold he borrowed to cover his gambling debts. Also shown when he thought that he would be able to arrest Dumbledore. Irony : His response to word of Voldemort's return is motivated by fear of losing his position as Minister for Magic, as reporting Voldemort's return would indeed cause major unrest among the wizarding community. However, these events occur under Cornelius Fudge's reign, a Minister who is renowned in the books as incompetent. Artemisia Lufkin leaves office.

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