mosquito girl one punch man

Mosquito girl one punch man

Genus of the House of Evolution. She was killed by Saitama. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body was largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. All her limbs were extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs were digitigrade, with extra forelegs.

Genus of the House of Evolution. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. All her limbs are extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs are digitigrade, with extra forelegs. Her biceps and shins are covered in long bristles and striped akin to a hornet's. She also has a rather voluptuous figure. Beyond her long hair and a distinctly human face, her head resembles a mosquito's, including a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a shortened proboscis.

Mosquito girl one punch man

Bill Burr "Absolutely Loved" One Punch Man. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Mosquito Girl. Edit Character Information. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. Details Clubs Pictures. Loved" One Punch Man Bill Burr once again proves that anime can have reach far outside of the fandom in his musings over the popular anime. Saitama of One Punch Man is a hero unlike any other. But why? What separates him from all the other One Punch Man heroes in the series?

All her limbs are extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs are digitigrade, with extra forelegs.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!!

Genus of the House of Evolution. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. All her limbs are extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs are digitigrade, with extra forelegs. Her biceps and shins are covered in long bristles and striped akin to a hornet's. She also has a rather voluptuous figure.

Mosquito girl one punch man

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is one Dr.

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As a hybrid between human and mosquito, she has control over large swarms of the insects, using them to collect blood as sustenance or repair any bodily damage. Beyond her long hair and distinctly human face, her head resembles a mosquito's, including a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a shortened proboscis. Mosquito Girl avoids his attacks and cuts off his right arm, only to realize Genos had simultaneously torn off both of her lower legs. Sign In Register. She then summons a large mass of mosquitoes and drains the blood of numerous people, so she can regenerate her legs. Cancel Save. She now works at the House of Takoyaki , with her mosquito arms and legs being replaced by robotic limbs. Her strength further increased with her transformation which can be assumed to have surpassed Armored Gorilla in battle, as unlike the latter, she was able to overwhelm Genos. Forest Tribesman Forest King. Tsukuyomi Eleven Otento. Mosquito Girl is a tall and large woman and has the appearance of a humanoid mosquito due to being a crossbreed between a human and a mosquito. Contrastingly, she treats her mosquitoes maternally, referring to them as "little ones" and incorporating them into her attacks. View history Talk 0. House of Evolution Leadership Dr. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi.


She is also often arrogant, egocentric, and mildly irritated even when she is on the losing end in a battle. Despite acting alone, her control over insect swarms gave her more flexibility in combat than any other member of the House of Evolution. Pure Evil Terms. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Flight : Wings sprouting from her back allowed Mosquito Girl to hover and maneuver in midair. Flight : Wings sprouting from her back allow Mosquito Girl to hover and maneuver in midair. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. She matched Genos, an S-Class hero, in combat, being able to rip his arm off in her first form. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login.

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