mst3k quotes

Mst3k quotes

Mystery Science Theater —; —; — is an American TV show that mocks bad movies by riffing on their strange characters, mst3k quotes, absurd settings, and silly plot twists, interspersing erudite cultural quips with schoolboy jokes and general zaniness. There are movies, 60 shorts, and 4 mst3k quotes in the MST3K canon. See Notes below for help on using this page.

Mike Nelson: There! I think I've taught you not to rebuff my wiener innuendo. Judy: [as she is shoveling bacon into her mouth] Mmm, I just love it when it's so warm and crispy! Mike Nelson: [about a man who just had his arm ripped off] And ironically he collapses into an arm chair. Crow T. Robot: Well, just come to see what you've done with all the grant money

Mst3k quotes

Mozart, Exeter? Exeter : I'm afraid I don't know the chap. Tom Servo : "I'm not an alien! Exeter : My mind must have been wandering. Your composer, of course. Exeter : Yes, indeed. Mike : "I'm not an alien. Cal Meecham : That dinner, Exeter, was even more perfect than you promised. Now if you'll excuse me, I could do with some fresh air myself. Crow T. Robot : He's gonna get high! Cal Meecham : Would you care to join me, Dr. Tom Servo : "Uh, no! Cal Meecham : You, Dr.

Now I'm going to turn my daughter into a woodchuck. Ken : There's the ship Tom Servo: Oh, oh, oh.

Servo: Dum-da-dum-dum-dum Everything working fine on the ol' Satellite of Love? No problems or mishaps today? Servo: Ah, nominal! So I guess you're not wondering what that rhythmic pounding might be? Servo: Yeah, what is that? I'm a highly sophisicated robot, Mike, and I've got to tell you, this isn't normal.

Crow T. Robot: Removes lids off bottles and jars of all sizes - and it really, really works. Forrester: I'm feeling particularly evil because today's experiment is a stinky cinematic suppository called "This Island Earth. Forrester: Hello, and welcome. I'm Dr. Clayton Forrester, and soon you will all bow down before me. Robot: Hey, Mike, you think you can toss me my calculations? Ah, here it is.

Mst3k quotes

Mystery Science Theater —; —; — is an American TV show that mocks bad movies by riffing on their strange characters, absurd settings, and silly plot twists, interspersing erudite cultural quips with schoolboy jokes and general zaniness. There are movies, 60 shorts, and 4 specials in the MST3K canon. See Notes below for help on using this page. Come and listen to the story of a man named Jed A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed Then one day, he was shooting at some food The kin folk said "Jed, get away from there! Joel has made a skit about the 'Magic' scene, with Servo and Crow suspended on wires, ascending and descending wildly and awkwardly. Fu Manchu : This is Fu Manchu. Crow [ As Fu Manchu ]: And you're not.

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Joel: I know he's a good cop. Well, I'm glad you found it. Tom Servo: Why is he so impossible to hit? It will make you so placid, so care-free, that I'll be able to rule the world and you won't even notice! Servo : [laughing] Hello! Oh, found the motherload of deer ticks. Crow : [suddenly shouting] Who the hell are you to decide who lives and who dies?! Lawrence Erhardt: C'mon, Clay! I'm so embarassed! Crow : Suzie thinks she doesn't need a seatbelt. And always know what time it is. Tom Servo: You know, it's economical to not have a storyline, that way you can just film people saying stuff. Please; I can't do that! Crow : This time, the white fascist narrator will make a racial slur!

Mike Nelson: There! I think I've taught you not to rebuff my wiener innuendo.

Gobs of butter. Tommy's mother : Tommy, can you hear me? The owner of the diner walks up and turns it off. Glenn : All I know is I just don't want to grow anymore. Joel, Servo, Crow, and Gypsy : [singing] Put 'em all together with a how-do-ya-do, Lovely waffles we love-- Gypsy : Send me up another please! Jane : Penny went up to the boss's house, and she's still there! Offer limited! More to explore. Lawrence Erhardt: Clay! Benkitnorf : Well, look. Joel: Geez, what's wrong, Tom Servo? Our special today is waffles in game sauce. Judge : If you did, then you'd be booked in- [clears throat] Crow : In phlegm?

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