Mt hira college reviews

Keysborough Median Price. Mt Hira College, Keysborough. More Photos. School Reviews.

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Mt hira college reviews

We will have 6 rooms from nursery to kinder with three outdoor yards shared between the rooms. We will be a place centre operating from am till 6. The centre is a state of the art long day care with six rooms and three outdoor yards. They provide care and education for children 0 to 5 years. Our ir curriculum is Reggio Emilia inspired, where the environments are open-ended and encourage learning opportunities for both the individual child and for groups of children to build friendships and other life skills. Families have access to an app that provides regular updates on their child's program and provide live updates on things such as meals, sleep times etc. At Mt Hira College ELC, we believe that it is important for children to have healthy eating options, where a menu is created in accordance to healthy eating guidelines for long day care and where our in house Chef, prepares healthy and nutritious meals for the children. Meals are included within the cost of the fees- which includebreakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Love everything about it! Keysborough is a suburb located in Victoria. There are approximately 27 child care centres in Keysborough. How much is child care in Keysborough? Opening Hours am to pm.

We will have 6 rooms from nursery to kinder with three outdoor yards shared between the rooms.

Mt Hira College is a Coeducation combined school, serving years F The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Mt Hira College is 1 of 51 independent schools in the Keysborough area. Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly. Already a member? Login Forgot password?

We offer personalised tutoring aligned to the state-curriculum and tailored to what is being taught at school. The private school has students in years Prep, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to The private school has students in years Prep, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8. The private school has students in years K, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9. The private school has students in years K, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to Rated 4. Face-to-face online tutoring Private 1-to-1 or small group.

Mt hira college reviews

The page dedicated to Mt Hira College in Keysborough serves as a comprehensive resource for parents and students looking for in-depth information about the school. From academic offerings to extracurricular activities, we aim to provide a detailed overview of what you can expect from this educational institution. It has students enrolled and 56 teachers. Full Time Equivalent Enrolments : The number of students enrolled at the school expressed in terms of full-time students. Bottom Socio-Educational Advantage : 30 The percentage of students positioned in the lowest socio-educational advantage quarter in Mt Hira College.

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Tools Subsidy calculator Cost calculator. I have been at this school since Prep and I absolutely love it the school has developed so well and obviously it isn't perfect but its a lot better than whatever else is out there! Support Staff It is a shame that some students may have had a bad experience in the past, but it is important to evaluate the school on how it is now. Read more. Running Cross country running. Thank you taking the time to share this post with friends and family. Child care jobs. All sources I would not want to put my children in this school. Gloria Wong Aug, To be fairly honest this school is honestly the absolute worst and the school only hires Turkish staff even if they are fully qualified of not! Physical environment Meeting. Centre Reviews. Year 7.

Keysborough Median Price. Mt Hira College, Keysborough.

Be careful on what you write on social media. This school is doing a great job of providing an equal opportunity to all students. Maybe I should go during recess or lunch. First 3 weeks was very stressful but my teachers understood my problems and helped me out. I'm writing this review because I saw a really unfair comment by someone who is saying their kid was being bullied and wasn't believed. Year 9. Far better than some other school located in the area. Thanks a lot MtHira College…. Students-Teacher Ratio: Also this school has legit no student wellbeing when you get to secondary. The kids who are complaining shows that they have not been at a public school. Listen, I drive 30 minutes a day to get to the place where I can gain knowledge for my future. Poor education and unprofessional teaching staff What joke I will pull out my child from here this year. You hate your child if you send them here. We will be a place centre operating from am till 6.

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