Mtg red green deck

Not Gruul, then die! Riley's taking a look at the smashiest and flashiest red-green Commanders for your next EDH game! With around 1, potential commanders, there is no shortage of cards you can use to lead your EDH decks.

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Mtg red green deck

Red Green Aggro, utilizing efficient threats and burn spells. Here is but one variation as an example. Having played with and against many decks like that, it seems as though those versions can kill the opponent much quicker, but are much more susceptible to spot removal and The Abyss. One important thing to note about the deck above is that this is intended to be a budget-minded deck first and foremost, that you can add on to you as buy in to the format. If you decide to build from here, you can add things like Moxen, Black Lotus, and others, as you acquire them, most likely replacing basic lands. The more cards you slowly acquire over time, the more deck design possibilities and power you give yourself. The goal of this build is to curve out, playing 1, 2, 3, and 4 drop creatures on time. Deck space is limited, and every attacker matters when games go long. Scavenger Folk is a rarely seen card that is not only low on the mana curve, but helps control the battlefield with its secondary ability to blow up an artifact. Mix and match as you please with Elvish Archers , which is another somewhat decent 2-drop. Archers have first strike, and can stand up to Knights in combat, but lack the evasion of Pixies. At the top of your mana curve is the classic Erhnam Djinn , which is again a decent value in terms of creature stat efficiency for the Old School card pool. The more you slowly power up your deck, the better this becomes, as it can be dropped in to play ahead of the normal mana curve. Whirling Dervish is another nice threat in the 2 mana slot, but one that I usually reserve for the sideboard in this deck. The double green in the casting cost means you may not always be able to cast it on turn two with this version, because the mana is tilted more heavily towards red to be able to cast timely Ball Lightnings.

Tuya Bearclaw.

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Do you like to play aggressive decks? Do you like big creatures? Maybe playing lands is your jam? And after the very prominent Omnath, Locus of Creation, Rhada, Heart of Keld is the most played brawl commander in the format. With the introduction of Zendikar Rising onto Magic Arena, the landfall ability is taking Standard by storm. One variation of this deck is a Red Green aggro deck using cheap creatures to push in for damage when you stack multiple landfall triggers in a game. Unlike the previous installment on this list, Gruul adventures focuses far less on the landfall ability to instead get full value out of the suite of aggressive adventure cards present in the standard format. Its ability to present big threats early and refill its hand along the way makes Gruul Adventures the best Red Green deck in standard. Gruul Aggro has historically been one of the strongest performing decks in all of Magic Arena, no pun intended.

Mtg red green deck

Gruul colors have access to plenty of different strategies and archetypes within them. Many of them play the game as fast as possible, beating their opponents before they have a chance to set up in the first place. The strength of Gruul is how powerful their threats can be and how quickly they can get them onto the battlefield. If unchecked, it's not uncommon to get a quick win.

Keez m

Well, interestingly, Wort isn't usually very interested in exploiting Goblin synergies - instead, she tends to head up spellslinger decks! However, Gruul can struggle with card draw and run out of steam if not careful. Opening Hand 5. Sunder Shaman. Landfall decks are explosive , potentially leading to a giant battlefield of creatures in just one turn. Opening Hand 7. Who needs noncreature spells? With a mix of colored mana, acceleration, removal, and an on-curve threat, this is a good hand. Sample Hand New Hand Draw. Wulfgar is one of those EDH decks that more or less builds itself.


Pelt Collector. Rampaging Baloths. You might notice that a number of the sideboard options can be considered for main deck inclusion, as they create card advantage, or can sink entire strategies. Opening Hand 10 Another hand with a mix of threats and plenty of on-colored mana, this is a keeper. Opening Hand 8. The strength of Gruul is how powerful their threats can be and how quickly they can get them onto the battlefield. Buy from TCGplayer. Opening Hand 6. While Stompy isn't common in Commander due to having three or more other opponents, it's a staple in formats like Standard and Pioneer. The goal of this build is to curve out, playing 1, 2, 3, and 4 drop creatures on time. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. Haven of the Spirit Dragon. Sunder Shaman. Sign Up for free!

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