muscle drain comic

Muscle drain comic

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I agree you had a great year with a lot of great comics. Hope to see more of that kind of thing in ! That will be released sometime early next year. Some of you might have noticed I had Philip Lawson do some text for me. Yes, and no, and then yes again… I actually have the art done for three Ms. Liberty comics, I just need to add text to them… But, the hold up is that I stink at making nice text, and I wanted to practice first.

Muscle drain comic

WumboCumboo Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation WumboCumboo. Home Gallery Favourites About. Female Superiority. Attribute Theft. The Age of Muscle. Mario Universe. Muscle Girl Games. Saxxon FMG. Cammy White.

Mighty Female Muscle Comix presents an audio production about a strong sexy woman who challenges a so called macho man to an arm-wrestling contest, his weak manly muscles prove to be muscle drain comic match for her mighty female muscles.

By Mgk March 5, in Stories. I'm excited to share this first comic I made while learning Stable Diffusion. You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Paste as plain text instead.

Add to Favourites. Deviantart no longer allows sexually explicit content as free deviations, so I'm putting them in here. More by SteeleBlazer84 Watch. Kycolv Watch. KinkyRocket Watch. Weak normal males vs much stronger women Part 3. Artista - SteeleBlazer Featured in Groups See All. Published: Mar 24,

Muscle drain comic

WumboCumboo Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation WumboCumboo. Home Gallery Favourites About. Female Superiority. Attribute Theft. The Age of Muscle. Mario Universe. Muscle Girl Games.

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Pretty risque' so NSFW! With a bundle of books obscuring her chest, or lack thereof, she was always rushing off to class or some other obligation, ignoring her schoolmates. Liberty, or maybe even discover the audio stories that we just added this past year. So that's pretty super and she is a hero Liberty comics are not Ms. Back Author Date Title. Included also in this issue is a mini comic by the great and talented Lyman Dally. Display as a link instead. But, I think that will debut next year. And it is what allows MFMC to branch out and expand and try new things. Paste as plain text instead. You can purchase the full length audio story here: mighty-female-muscle-comix. Back Sort by New Super Body.


Trent Harlow Participant. I was entering my junior year in high school and Wendy was a sophomore. And as always thank you so much for your support. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". And Lyman is not the only incredible artist in this issue. Even though I was only a year older I had breezed through high school, smart and popular, a rare combination, and had more than my share of fun. Got a really great comic to start off the last month of the year!!! It has everything I love about superhuman women. Some of you might remember CGman, and I've been holding onto these pinups of him for a long, long time for just the right comic. I think I am close to being ready to make it. What happens when a cheerleader and a jock go to a secluded little lagoon to study some anatomy? This comic also features probably the biggest roster of artists ever in a Mighty Female Muscle Comix story.

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