Naics 238990

The specialty trade naics 238990 performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. Illustrative Examples: Billboard erection Outdoor swimming pool construction Cleaning building interiors during and immediately after construction Paver, brick e.

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Naics 238990

The NAICS Code is described as All Other Specialty Trade Contractors Artificial turf installation Asphalt coating and sealing, residential and commercial parking lot and driveway Asphalting, residential and commercial driveway and parking area Billboard erection Blacktop work, residential and commercial driveway and parking area Boat lift installation Brick driveway contractors Brick paver e. The work performed may include new work, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs. Specialty trade contractors are included in this group if they are engaged in activities primarily related to highway, street, and bridge construction e. The TopLexicon The lexicon of the top The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications. Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering. General construction of buildings and civil engineering works - General construction of buildings and civil engineering works. Travaux de construction y compris ouvrages d'art. Lavori generali di costruzione di edifici e lavori di engegneria civile. Algemene bouwkundige en civieltechnische werken.

There are over 6, companies specializing in house cleaning services in the USA. Years: GFY ending September Uncategorized uncategorized.

Sign In. Free Trial Schedule Demo. State Local. Establishments primarily engaged in specialized trades except foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors; building equipment contractors; building finishing contractors; and site preparation contractors. The specialty trade work performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. SBA Size Standard.

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in specialized trades except foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors; building equipment contractors; building finishing contractors; and site preparation contractors. The specialty trade work performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. Billboard erection Outdoor swimming pool construction Cleaning building interiors during and immediately after construction Paver, brick e. Illustrative Examples Billboard erection Outdoor swimming pool construction Cleaning building interiors during and immediately after construction Paver, brick e. Industry , Construction, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing; Radon testing--are classified in Industry , Testing Laboratories; Power washing and other building exterior cleaning except sandblasting --are classified in Industry , Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings; Environmental remediation work, such as asbestos abatement--are classified in Industry , Remediation Services. Alternate Titles Artificial turf installation Asphalt coating and sealing, residential and commercial parking lot and driveway Asphalting, residential and commercial driveway and parking area Billboard erection Blacktop work, residential and commercial driveway and parking area Boat lift installation Brick driveway contractors Brick paver e.

Naics 238990

The specialty trade work performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. Illustrative Examples: Billboard erection Outdoor swimming pool construction Cleaning building interiors during and immediately after construction Paver, brick e. Establishments primarily engaged in Forgot your password? Lost your password?

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I understand. Advertisement advertisement. The TopLexicon The lexicon of the top The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications. The specialty trade work performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. Due Date:. Industry Image. This image represents an activity or product found in this industry. There are 55, companies verified as active in this industry in the USA with an estimated employment of , people. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Year Contracts Subcontracts Grants Subgrants. At the most specific level, there are over 10, unique and continuously updated categories within the SIC 6-Digit Code system as compared to 1, in the government level NAICS system. The specialty trade work performed includes new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs. Insurance By Ken Brown ibk.

Common products and services typical of NAICS Code , illustrating the main business activities and contributions to the market. The specific certifications, permits, licenses, and regulatory compliance requirements within the United States for this industry. The anticipated future trajectory of the NAICS industry in the USA, offering insights into potential trends, innovations, and challenges expected to shape its landscape.

State Fund. There are 55, companies verified as active in this industry in the USA with an estimated employment of , people. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Agent Resources. However, in the Extended SIC Code system, these two business types have their own classification code. Close Add Task. General Cross Reference Market Report. There are over 1, companies that specialize in snow removal services in the USA. Remember me. Not to be confused with Property Management companies, Property Maintenance Companies are involved in the maintenance work at residential and commercial properties. Sunz Insurance Solutions, Llc.

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