
There are two kinds of people in life: those that love Dragon Ballnamekian, and liars. It is namekian far one of namekian greatest animes of all time and is a joy to watch even to this day, namekian. The adventures of Goku and the Z Fighters will likely be entertaining people for decades and generations to come.

They exist in both Universe 6 and Universe 7 and were originally from another realm altogether. They are humanoid with plant and slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae. The name "Namek" is taken from the word namekuji , which means "slug" in Japanese. Sagas of Dragon Ball , the Namekians in the series were known as a Demon Clan and thought of more earthly origin. Approximately three-hundred years prior to the beginning of the Dragon Ball series , the earliest Namekians encountered on Earth King Piccolo and his sons , though not counting Kami were evil, destructive and caused chaos throughout the Earth until their eventual narrow defeat at the hands of Master Mutaito and his pupils including Master Roshi and Master Shen.


Throughout the bulk of the series the infamous Saiyans receive most of the spotlight. Namekians have been a consistent presence in the series, but they are still largely a mystery due to the destruction of their planet. Even now, in Dragon Ball Super, the species continue to fascinate and there are new details to reveal about these characters. Everyone freaks out over Super Saiyans and the flashy transformations helped the species turn into the most popular characters in Dragon Ball. Saiyans receive a fancy hair color change and an intimidating aura, but Namekians actually have their own Super Saiyan equivalency, too. These legendary fighters even have a contentious history wherein they were banned from Planet Namek and became nomads of the universe. After Piccolo fuses with Nail, he officially hits the echelon of Super Namekian. Lord Slug is also said to be the last of the original Super Namekians that were banished from the planet. Namekians have evil in them, plain and simple. When the evil within Namekians gets curbed early on they can lead eventful, pure lives. However, if this evil is allowed to manifest then there will be some serious complications. King Piccolo and Lord Slug are examples of when the internal evil within Namekians is allowed to mutate and grow. In fact, King Piccolo has so much evil inside of him that he literally grows children out of all of his hate. The element of surprise is an essential tool on the battlefield and Namekians have a handy trump card when fights begin to get out of control. Namekians can get pretty liberal with this maneuver and are even capable of re-growing lengthier limbs like arms and legs.

Out of all of King Piccolo's sons, Tambourine gets into and survives the most fights by far, namekian. It is implied in at least two video games that occasionally Namekians can be born pure evil such as the Black Namekian Narak in Dragon Namekian Online who was born from the Evil Egg created by the evil in the hearts of the Namekians that settled next to King Piccolo's old throne after the destruction of New Namekian by Mira and after his namekian he eventually became the founder of the new Narak Demon Clan, namekian.

Namekians - also called Nameks - are a species of magical and philosophical humanoid slug-like warrior organisms with green skin, antennae, and a powerful regenerative ability. Namekians have green skin and antennae. Patches on their arms seem to indicate age; younger Namekians have pink arm patches, while elders instead have a dull orange coloration. Despite having masculine bodies, voices and behaviors, Namekians are actually genderless and can reproduce asexualy but can reproduce sexually if there are partners. Due to their asexual existence, any and all Namekians can reproduce by spitting out an egg through their mouth. These young are not genetic copies of the parent, despite what one might expect from an asexual race; rather it appears that the parent has some control over what type of child will be produced.

The Dragon Clan was very large at one point, but the climate shift on planet Namek around Age wiped all of them out with the exception of the Nameless Namekian , who was sent to Earth , and Guru. By the time Frieza invaded Namek, approximately 92 Dragon Clan members lived within the 6 villages on Namek 86 if not counting the six Elders. Namekians of the race's remaining Dragon Clan caste are distinctly and referred to solely as Dragon Clan instead of the inclusive the and are currently one of the two playable careers for their race, the other one being Warrior. Dragon Clan is more of a supportive caste than any currently present. There are noticeable differences between these and those present in the manga; noticeably their inability to create Dragon Balls, their use of powerful ki attacks, and healing abilities a trait unique to Healer-type Namekians. Unlike other core classes in the game, Dragon Clan are the only to wield a weapon a type of Staff. Once reaching the required level of skill, a Dragon Clan can choose one of two secondary careers:.


The planet was destroyed by the wrath of Frieza on December 24, Age The Namekian people were relocated to New Namek after being refugees on Earth for roughly a year. The planet had a population of about Namekians at the time of the Vegeta Saga [3] in November of Age It is also home to a host of ambient life , such as fish , frogs , slugs and dinosaurs. Namek has three suns , so it is never nighttime. Despite this, depictions of the planet show there to be a dark side. A Namekian year is much shorter than an earth year, at days long, as shown when the Namekians are reviving the Z Fighters who died fighting Nappa. As measured by Bulma on arrival, the Namekian atmosphere does partly consist of oxygen. The Namekians could use this for their respiration process. Planet Namek once was a beautiful meadow covered by Ajisa and the Namekians developed a civilization capable of interstellar travel.

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They also have long pointy ears, pronounced canine-teeth, and talon-like nails on their fingers. However, Namekians can apparently get all the nutrients they need from water alone explaining their water-based diet. Not only can he shoot lasers from his eyes, but his Explosive Wave technique is extremely powerful. Eventually a civil war breaks out between the good Namekians of Earth and these new evil Dark Namekians who seek to conquer Earth like King Piccolo and his Demon Clan had in the past. Suddenly Gohan hears the child's stomach growling and asks if he's hungry though the child denies it saying Namekians only need to drink water to survive. Earth's conflict with evil Namekians led by Narak begins in Age as their numbers start to grow. However, if this evil is allowed to manifest then there will be some serious complications. It also makes Piccolo an incredible arm wrestler if he ever needs to bust out the skill. Namekians have green skin and antennae. Additionally his role as Guardian of Earth presumably would made raising children difficult and he may have feared his children could be corrupted by the simple fact of being the children of the Earth's Guardian which he may have feared would make them arrogant or feel entitled due to their father's divine position and he already had plenty of guilt over the fission that created King Piccolo thus may have feared he could end up giving birth to another Demon King or worse. His healing abilities are quite powerful, but it's not like he could throw much of a punch. This form has only appeared in a video game. His follow farmer advises him to be careful though notes that he heard of a Namekian living on Earth who enjoyed eating solid food, presumably a reference to Piccolo presumably both Piccolo and King Piccolo as Piccolo is King Piccolo's reincarnation thus, they are technically different incarnations of the same individual. In Dragon Ball Fusions , another Namekian caste known as worker-type is mentioned in the profile of Toronbon who is described as a silent worker-type Namekian.

They are humanoid and have insect- and reptilian-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae.

In Dragon Ball Fusions , it is shown that Namekians can become fat and overweight from overeating solid food thus like other races need to be careful how much they eat and must be sure to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise should they partake in consuming solid food Piccolo likely avoided this as he actively trains and is a dedicated martial artist. Main article: Dragon Clan The Namekian support caste. Namekians can get pretty liberal with this maneuver and are even capable of re-growing lengthier limbs like arms and legs. This form has only appeared in a video game. Once Namekians enter the scene, the series expands on the Dragon Ball mythos in some exciting ways that tie together with these green guys. Everyone deserves to know the pleasure of a good cup of instant ramen. Elder Tsuno has sixteen Dragon Clan members and three Warriors in his village. The Daizenshuu states that the first batch of three Namekians who fought Frieza's men were warrior-types. Their physiology grants them a wide variety of abilities, many of them magical in nature; however, since these abilities are mostly seen being used by important individuals and not civilians, it is unknown whether these techniques are common to the species or to the individual. Despite this asexual reproductive system, there is still diversity in the species as the offspring is usually not an exact copy of the parent, like with King Piccolo or Grand Elder Guru. Saonel and Pirina two Namekians from the Universe 6. Within one generation, just over Namekians existed on their homeworld; at the same time, only a few existed on Earth. By this time, most Namekians had already been killed by Frieza forces, but those who remained were temporarily transported to Earth by the Namekian Dragon. Rather, it appears that the parent has some control over what type of child will be formed it is shown that King Piccolo has the ability to determine the appearance and traits of his offspring. Warrior Namekians are much better fighters than the others and have higher power levels.

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