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From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Succeeding in this challenge, Honnold enters his story in the annals of human achievement. FREE SOLO is both an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who exceeded our current understanding of human physical and mental potential.

TV min Documentary, Biography, History. Ruling with an iron fist requires an aspiring dictator to know the playbook for absolute power, as history's despots prove in this sardonic docuseries. Votes: 11, Votes: An exploration of the viewpoint that the September 11, attacks were planned by the United States government.

National geographic belgesel izle hd

Uygun info. Whether at home on land, in the sea or in the air, these creatures turn their habitats into all-you-can-eat buffets. Meet the lethal animals who don't know the meaning of full and whose diets never say die. From piranha that can strip a capybara to the bone in 60 seconds, to the hyperactive shrew that ingests 80 to 90 percent of its body weight each day, to tigers shark that'll devour everything from sardines to suits of armor, these predators makes the hungriest of humans seem like lighweights. These predators prove that when it comes to hunting prey, size doesn't always matter. Meet the World's Deadliest: Little Killers -- miniscule menaces with the ability to take down prey several times their own size. A fierce inch-long weasel can kill a rabbit 10 times its size; 2-foot-tall Asiatic wild dogs team up to take down 2-ton water buffalo; and a golf ball-sized blue-ringed octopus dominates prey with one of the deadliest neurotoxins on the planet. Meet the most wrathful, prideful, gluttonous, lustful, greedy, slothful and envious members of the animal kingdom. Gluttonous ornate horned frogs will eat anything in their path -- even their own kind -- before ultimately choking to death. And hell hath no fury like a wrathful hippo whose territory has just been encroached. These docile-looking animals turn into powerful jaws of death if disturbed -- they can even snap a crocodile in half in one bite. In the animal kingdom, females are tough, feisty and fearless.

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National geographic belgesel izle hd

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Will have viewers holding their breath and biting their nails during the spectacular climax. Microsoft Xbox. Honnold has been profiled by "60 Minutes" and The New York Times, been featured on the cover of National Geographic, appeared in international television commercials and starred in numerous adventure films, including the Emmy-nominated "Alone on the Wall. Expertly filmed. From Asian Leopards severely mauling people in India, to a 2, lb. Uygun info. The camera work in Free Solo will blow your mind. In the animal kingdom, females are tough, feisty and fearless. An awesome and inspiring doc. The earthquake documentary deals with Turkey's earthquake reality from a historical perspective and discusses all its dimensions. Google Play. All rights reserved.


Armed with special nighttime powers, including extra-strength night vision and hypersensitive hearing, these creatures are anatomically designed to succeed in the dark. Gluttonous ornate horned frogs will eat anything in their path -- even their own kind -- before ultimately choking to death. Honnold is the founder of the Honnold Foundation , a nonprofit that promotes solar energy access worldwide. Chin is also a filmmaker and National Geographic photographer. Microsoft Xbox. Tell Your Friends Share this list:. But when it's feeding time, watch out. He is sponsored by The North Face, among others. FREE SOLO is both an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who exceeded our current understanding of human physical and mental potential. Other Lists by kadirdinler. In this episode, we continue our countdown of the animal kingdom's deadliest sinners, only this time we turn our attention to the wicked ways of sea and sky predators. The result is a triumph of the human spirit. Sign In. Skip Navigation Home New Releases. But these Lady Killers don't just get by on their good looks; they use their paws, claws and jaws to ensure survival -- for themselves and for their offspring.

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