nicole johnson model

Nicole johnson model

Nicole Johnson born January 9, is an American beauty queenauthornicole johnson model health professional and activist. She was crowned Miss America in September Before that, she was Miss Virginia She was also the first contestant to publicize the use of an insulin pump.

Johnson, the daughter of Annette, a science teacher, and Richard, a pharmaceutical sales manager, was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado , spent her early childhood in Pennsylvania, and moved to Westlake Village, California , prior to starting middle school. In , Johnson graduated with honors from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, concentrating in sports and entertainment. Johnson, a student at Moorpark College , wanted to transfer to the University of Southern California and thought the scholarship would help pay her education. Out of contestants Johnson took first runner-up. On February 21, , Johnson became engaged to swimmer Michael Phelps.

Nicole johnson model


Archived from the original on November 18,


Nicole Johnson born January 9, [1] is an American beauty queen, author, public health professional and activist. Crowned Miss America and Miss Virginia , she became the first Miss America with diabetes and the first contestant to publicize the use of an insulin pump. Johnson holds a B. After moving to Virginia to pursue post-graduate education at Regent University she continued competing and placed in the top ten at Miss Virginia In September Johnson represented Virginia in the Miss America pageant, becoming the second woman representing that state to win the Miss America title. Johnson became a spokesperson for the American Diabetes Association in the s and had testified in legislative hearings in Washington, D. In , her communication skills and journalism background led her to become the anchor of dLife , a weekly TV series about diabetes that aired on CNBC. Johnson has also written several books over her career: three cookbooks with Mr.

Nicole johnson model

Parenting Writer. Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson have a full house! The Olympic gold medalist and his wife welcomed their fourth son earlier this month and just announced the happy news on Instagram. The name dates back to ancient Greece, coming from the name Nicholas which is based on the mythological goddess of victory, Nike. How fitting for the Phelps family. Now the question is if his big brothers — Boomer, 7, Beckett, 5, and Maverick, 4 — are actually going to call him that. Back in November, Nicole revealed that her sons already had a name picked out. And it was nothing like Nico. And for Boomer, Beckett, and Maverick, that might still be the case. Regardless of his name or what his big brothers may be calling him , people are so happy for the family.

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Archived from the original on April 26, American beauty queen born The New York Times. Toggle limited content width. Tools Tools. Contents move to sidebar hide. Michael Phelps. This short article about a person from the United States can be made longer. Page Talk. Retrieved March 1, Katherine Shindle. In other projects. Archived from the original on November 18,

Nikol Johnson is an on-air beauty expert, licensed esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist who founded her beauty brand, Fresh Beauty Studio , in

Miss USA delegates. In other projects. The New York Times. You can help Wikipedia by adding to it. Colorado Springs, Colorado , U. Miss California USA Archived from the original on April 26, Heather French. Tools Tools. Contents move to sidebar hide. Download as PDF Printable version. Thousand Oaks Acorn. Not to be confused with Nicole Johnson Miss America.

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