nude jacob sartorius

Nude jacob sartorius

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Vine star and singer-wannabe, jacobsartorius is disgusting for trying to force a fan to send nudes of herself. He's like Skip navigation! Story from Pop Culture. May 31, , PM. Update: A rep for Jacob Sartorius has reached out to Refinery29 saying that Sartorius did not send the messages to his fan via Facebook.

Nude jacob sartorius

Update: June 8, Jacob Sartorius's reps have formally denied the allegations made against the year-old star, saying that "Jacob was not on Facebook at the time that these conversations took place. A Facebook spokesperson said that "misrepresenting yourself on Facebook is against our policies, and we have a dedicated team that's tasked with helping to detect and block these kinds of scams," as well as comprehensive information about reporting an account you believe to be an imposter. Thirteen-year-old Vine star Jacob Sartorius is being accused of sending inappropriate messages pressuring fans for nude photos , according to news reports. Refinery29 reported that he allegedly direct messaged a fan on Facebook, and it just got worse from there. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Whether these screengrabs are real or not, one thing is for sure: You should never feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do online — especially sending photos of yourself, and especially photos of yourself unclothed — even if a celebrity asks you to do it. Just because they are famous and you admire them, does not mean that they have your best intentions at heart. By Kaitlyn McNab. By Kara Nesvig. By Sara Delgado.

She originally uploaded a video and screenshots of the conversation with Sartorius in March of This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.

Love J? Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun, exclusive videos with your favorite stars. Jacob Sartorius may only be 13 years old, but he's already embroiled in a serious controversy. Although the YouTube star has previously been accused of saying offensive things about fans, he's now being slammed for reportedly messaging a girl, asking for nude photos. A Twitter user named luhsrupp posted screenshots of her Facebook messages with the internet star, from a conversation earlier this January. Some have accused her of faking the messages, but she also posted a video showing them on her phone. Jun 2, am.

Love J? Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun, exclusive videos with your favorite stars. Jacob Sartorius may only be 13 years old, but he's already embroiled in a serious controversy. Although the YouTube star has previously been accused of saying offensive things about fans, he's now being slammed for reportedly messaging a girl, asking for nude photos. A Twitter user named luhsrupp posted screenshots of her Facebook messages with the internet star, from a conversation earlier this January.

Nude jacob sartorius

Vine star and singer-wannabe, jacobsartorius is disgusting for trying to force a fan to send nudes of herself. He's like Skip navigation! Story from Pop Culture. May 31, , PM. Update: A rep for Jacob Sartorius has reached out to Refinery29 saying that Sartorius did not send the messages to his fan via Facebook. The account was made by an imposter, who created a fake page with Sartorius' name and picture.

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According to screenshots of the alleged conversation, Sartorius tells the girl to send him nudes, or he will be "annoyed. Creates conversation, we can comment on the pics here Archival, pics can be deleted from insta and stories expire Can sort by likes, see some of his best photos easily. Install the app. Click to the next slide to read the rumors. I have explained twice my question, clearly you don't understand. Best photos? There is a long history of performers using their platforms at awards ceremonies to uplift social issues, to cause a bit of political commotion, or to try. But now, with more and more young adults becoming famous online themselves, through social platforms like Snapchat, Vine, Instagram, and YouTube, there's a whole new type of internet interaction to be wary of. Damn, the toxicity, it was just a question. View attachment View attachment View attachment View attachment If these screenshots are in fact real rather than fabricated, Jacob kept on trying to ask for photos, even after she was refusing. Like how arguments nearly buried his tank top photos that were just posted last night.

Update: June 8, Jacob Sartorius's reps have formally denied the allegations made against the year-old star, saying that "Jacob was not on Facebook at the time that these conversations took place. A Facebook spokesperson said that "misrepresenting yourself on Facebook is against our policies, and we have a dedicated team that's tasked with helping to detect and block these kinds of scams," as well as comprehensive information about reporting an account you believe to be an imposter.

Let's be clear, that is perfectly okay. Similar threads S. Not only is she a first-time Academy Award nominee for her work in The Color Purple, she was one of the honorees at Thu. Real life has always been a lot stranger than fiction. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Story from Pop Culture. Reactions: joshuareynolds , dacket , alexandersworld and 1 other person. Y'all will literally look at a photo of his forehead and call it "Hot". Reactions: alexandersworld and PaulDe3. Prince Abbas said:. The account was made by an imposter, who created a fake page with Sartorius' name and picture. Go to page. According to screenshots of the alleged conversation, Sartorius tells the girl to send him nudes, or he will be "annoyed.

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