nute gunray

Nute gunray

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, nute gunray. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations.

Neimoidians are known for their business skills, but Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was more cutthroat than most. Once the planet was under siege, Gunray attempted to force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty that would legitimize the occupation. Amidala escaped, and returned to infiltrate her own palace and blast through Gunray's protectors. Arrested by Republic officials, Gunray was carted off to answer for his crimes, but evaded imprisonment and kept his post. Manipulated by Sidious, Gunray invaded Naboo. Gunray escaped imprisonment after multiple trials, returning to his Trade Federation duties.

Nute gunray

He had forged an unwise alliance with the Sith, one that led him to launch an ill-fated invasion of the planet Naboo. The Trade Federation remained a force to be reckoned with throughout the prequel trilogy. As the years passed, though, they became increasingly drawn to the Separatist cause, and in the end joined up. Nute Gunray was among the Separatist leaders sent to hide on the planet Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith. The Separatists knew Darth Sidious' plans had built to a climax, and they expected to receive a reward. Instead, Palpatine sent his new apprentice Darth Vader to Mustafar to slaughter them. Their usefulness had come to an end. Lucasfilm has recently released a new preview for the upcoming Darth Vader 7 , by Greg Pak and Raffaele Iencowhich, which sees a wounded Darth Vader revisit the site of the Separatist massacre. It reveals the desiccated corpse of Nute Gunray had simply been left to rot. This certainly demonstrates Palpatine's disdain for his former pawns, but it's also important to understand there was actually a strategic region these bodies were abandoned. The Clone Wars came to an abrupt conclusion with Order 66 and the slaughter of the Jedi, and the Emperor blamed the Jedi for the entire conflict.

Nute Gunray often clashed with General Grievous, nute gunray, believing that Count Dooku gave the cybernetically enhanced general preferential treatment. Nute gunray reported his success to Sidious, who was pleased, he told the Viceroy that his apprentice Darth Maul was coming to join him. The Queen was marched off nute gunray a detention camp, but on her way there was rescued by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, who managed to get her off the planet and past the blockade.

Neimoidians are known for their business skills, but Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was more cutthroat than most. Once the planet was under siege, Gunray attempted to force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty that would legitimize the occupation. Amidala escaped, and returned to infiltrate her own palace and blast through Gunray's protectors. Arrested by Republic officials, Gunray was carted off to answer for his crimes, but evaded imprisonment and kept his post. Nute Gunray worked for Darth Sidious, and organized a blockade of Naboo. He was captured after the Battle of Naboo , but later escaped. Tall and green, with long fingers and red eyes.

Neimoidians are known for their business skills, but Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was more cutthroat than most. Once the planet was under siege, Gunray attempted to force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty that would legitimize the occupation. Amidala escaped, and returned to infiltrate her own palace and blast through Gunray's protectors. Arrested by Republic officials, Gunray was carted off to answer for his crimes, but evaded imprisonment and kept his post. Nute Gunray worked for Darth Sidious, and organized a blockade of Naboo. He was captured after the Battle of Naboo , but later escaped. Tall and green, with long fingers and red eyes. Dresses in ornate robes with a tall three pronged hat.

Nute gunray

The prequels brought to the silver screen compelling character designs from the collaboration of incredible artists, coming to life through the gifted performances of versatile talent—some of which contributed from the early stages of the creative process. One role led to another, and Silas Carson became involved in an early screen test of the Naboo submarine sequence for Episode I. Call it destiny, but when Robin Gurland took Silas Carson on a stroll around the workshop for The Phantom Menace , Silas Carson established an unexpected connection with one of the creatures. And so the same conversation happened for the role of Nute Gunray. They were just casting this pilot that never happened. I just kept getting phone calls and kept turning up. But I think I was just willing to be a part of it, to try anything out.

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While the wider galactic public thought that the Viceroy's Invasion of Naboo was solely motivated by greed, few were aware that Gunray was being manipulated from behind the scenes by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. I am an innocent pawn! Gunray proudly proclaimed victory and marched into the palace. Gunray remained in the throne room with Rune Haako and Darth Maul. The hat features three points at the front, extending vertically up. The Trade Federation had long sought to control the planet's lommite trade, and owing to Maul's actions the two companies merged to form Dorvalla Mining , which soon agreed to allow the Trade Federation to export lommite ore, and to accept Trade Federation representation in the Senate. Gunray was present when Ventress killed Argyus by impaling him through the chest with lightsaber , and after the death Gunray told Ventress he had "always had a good feeling about" her, which was what he had told Argyus as well. Amongst his collection were robes and miters, resplendent jewelry, priceless works of art. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. Gunray took great pleasure in deceiving the Jedi and laughed as he welcomed them to their doom. Sidious also informed the Separatist leaders of Darth Vader's arrival, but claimed that he had come to make peace with them. The diminished Trade Federation naval presence enabled Queen Amidala, her entourage, her Jedi allies, and Binks to land their starship on Naboo. Gunray saw his chance for revenge and was delighted when the former Queen was sentenced to death and he would be there to witness it. You will be safe there. Once the droids breached the city and destroyed the jammer, Gunray deployed reinforcements into the city, which included OX9 labor droids , and ordered them to capture Theed Royal Palace by getting at least five battle droids into the palace's limits.

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Under Darth Sidious' orders, Gunray dispatched several ships of the Federation fleet including Munificent -class star frigates to assist the bounty hunter Cad Bane on the planet Devaron. It is likely that Gunray disliked the Sith as he feared their power and they could threaten his position. The Invasion began as a blockade around the planet, with Nute Gunray taking charge of the fleet, this blockade was set up in order to protest the taxation of trade routes by the new republic, however the real intention of the blockade was to stage a droid invasion of the planet so that Senator Palpatine who was secretly controlling Nute Gunray as Darth Sidious could gain sympathy in the Galactic Senate. He soon grew tired of the Governor's protests however, and informed him he would die much sooner than his people. The bounty hunters launched two unsuccessful attempts, which only drew the Jedi Order 's attention to the existence of a clone army being created for the Republic on the planet Kamino. The bottom of the sleeve extends to the ground, in a long point. In a plot by Sidious to get his alter ego, Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo , elected to the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, he and Gunray manufactured a scenario where the Trade Federation would blockade Naboo with their fleet after the passage of legislation detrimental to the Federation's profits. As Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray was cunning, deceitful, [12] greedy [26] and willing to kill for his financial benefit. As the head of the Council, Nute Gunray now found himself the leader of the remaining Confederate forces. Boots Plain black boots are worn. The middle point is higher than the two either side. Gunray reflected upon the loss of Cato Neimoidia soon after, fearing it was a tragedy not just for the Trade Federation, but for the entire Neimoidian species. Page Talk.

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