occidental college

Occidental college

Founded in as a coeducational college by clergy and members of the Presbyterian Churchit became non-sectarian in

Occidental College is a small, 4-year, private liberal arts college. This coed college is located in a large city in an urban setting and is primarily a residential campus. It offers bachelor's degrees. Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel. College Search. Search by college name.

Occidental college

Occidental women's basketball wraps its winningest season in more than a decade with a showdown in Abilene, Texas. The Winter issue is online! Drawing on the cultural and intellectual resources of a global city, Occidental provides a springboard for putting theory into practice and ideas into action. An Oxy liberal arts education transcends boundaries, and with more than 40 majors and programs, academic rigor comes in many forms. Hear current chemistry majors talk about their professors, their research, and their favorite classes. A vibrant, small liberal arts college experience in the heart of Los Angeles, one of the most stimulating and creative cities in the world. ASOC funds a variety of campus services, from entertainment to transportation, sustainability projects and student media. Oxy students have many opportunities for internships, community engagement, research and learning hands-on. Whether in the lab, classroom, field or community, our faculty, students and alumni define the strengths and uniqueness of Oxy in everything that they do. Meet Min Joo Lee of Asian studies , whose research focuses on the transnational popularity of Korean popular culture, gender and race politics in Korea, and feminist media theory.

Public Health.


Occidental women's basketball wraps its winningest season in more than a decade with a showdown in Abilene, Texas. The Winter issue is online! Drawing on the cultural and intellectual resources of a global city, Occidental provides a springboard for putting theory into practice and ideas into action. An Oxy liberal arts education transcends boundaries, and with more than 40 majors and programs, academic rigor comes in many forms. Hear current chemistry majors talk about their professors, their research, and their favorite classes. A vibrant, small liberal arts college experience in the heart of Los Angeles, one of the most stimulating and creative cities in the world. ASOC funds a variety of campus services, from entertainment to transportation, sustainability projects and student media. Oxy students have many opportunities for internships, community engagement, research and learning hands-on. Whether in the lab, classroom, field or community, our faculty, students and alumni define the strengths and uniqueness of Oxy in everything that they do. Meet Min Joo Lee of Asian studies , whose research focuses on the transnational popularity of Korean popular culture, gender and race politics in Korea, and feminist media theory.

Occidental college

Founded in as a coeducational college by clergy and members of the Presbyterian Church , it became non-sectarian in It is one of the oldest liberal arts colleges on the West Coast of the United States. Occidental's current acre 49 ha campus is located in Eagle Rock , Los Angeles, and was designed by architect Myron Hunt. Due to its proximity to Hollywood and its architecture, the campus is frequently used as a filming location for film and television productions. The college's curriculum emphasizes diversity, global literacy, and civic engagement.

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The campus landscape was designed and developed by Beatrix Farrand in the late s. Black Studies. Average Per Year After Aid. American Studies. ISSN Comprehensive projects most often take the form of a senior thesis, but in some departments they are an examination, research presentation, creative project such as a film, theatrical production, composition, etc. Recent News. Students choose from 44 majors and minors and participate in one the country's top undergraduate research programs; one of the few residential United Nations programs for undergraduates; a unique Campaign Semester program in which students earn academic credit working on major political campaigns; and the only undergraduate Rebellious Lawyering program in the country. Admittance to the program enables students to earn a bachelor's degree from Occidental and a Juris Doctor law degree from Columbia in six years. Regardless of major, the skills inculcated by an Oxy liberal arts education-critical thinking, creative problem-solving, effective communication, the ability to negotiate difference-are essential in the modern economy. Main article: List of Occidental College people. The school dropped football in In addition the college has a dance team that also performs at every home football and basketball game.

Your academic record will speak for itself.

Add to Calendar. Go Articles. Dumbarton Oaks. There are also themed-living communities which consist of the Multicultural Hall in Pauley open to all years , all-women housing Berkus House, named after alumnus Dave Berkus , Food Justice house, and several communities that support and uplift the experiences of students of color and LGBTQIA students. In , " birthers " falsely claimed that Obama's Occidental College transcript revealed he received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia after the resurgence of a fake news story from Request Info. The Washington Post. Women's Track and Field. Retrieved September 8, Occidental features 21 varsity sports teams and a program of club sports and intramural competition.

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