oddly satisfying videos

Oddly satisfying videos

A term born out of reddit as an attempt to describe the inexplicably pleasing quality that watching some mundane thing could rouse in its viewer, oddly satisfying videos encompass everything from watching pressure washers clean pavements to marbled cake glazing and industrial machines cutting through ice. Defining the oddly satisfying is akin to throwing a oddly satisfying videos up ball of paper and getting it smack bang in the trash can the first time round. And then watching it as a compilation, oddly satisfying videos, over and over and over again.

In this busy stressful world, we truly crave for some zen, so the internet, and social media in particular, seems to be the first obvious source of distraction. It is what they call satisfying videos. The real phenomenon occurred all over the Internet in , when slightly bizarre, however, surprisingly satisfying videos started gaining an enormous popularity on the web. Similarly to ASMR, which stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and corresponds to the particular feeling or tingle that some people may feel while watching videos with certain sounds and visuals, satisfying videos are also believed to help relieving stress. BBC reported watching this kind of content is somewhat escapist, as it consists of simple sounds and physicality, it helps people to abstract from the real world problems. Whether that be unexplainable magical success, or a scientifically proven human need, satisfying videos are now an integral part of the internet. I subscribe to the newsletter.

Oddly satisfying videos


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Life is pretty stressful right now, and if you're like much of the rest of the world, you've turned to the Internet for solace. Some of us find escape in video calls and games, others in Netflix and music, others in endless scrolling. But if you're looking for a new, relaxing, visually stimulating way to ease your frayed nerves, perhaps consider watching videos of slime, soap-cutting, or any other form of "oddly satisfying" content. The world of "oddly satisfying" content is large and undefinable. There are thousands of different types of content optimized to satisfy and relax you—from ASMR to binaural beats to zit-popping, the list goes on and on.

Oddly satisfying videos

Culture and Trends. Oct 01, — minute read. There have been more than 32 billion views related to oddly satisfying videos so far in The crunch of kinetic sand. The stretch of glittery slime. The clink of colorful wooden balls dropping into a glass. These are among many strange yet pleasing sensory experiences that draw people to some of the most oddly satisfying videos on YouTube. The appeal is clear: there have been more than 32 billion views related to oddly satisfying videos so far in Designer and director Lucas Zonotto came up with a colorful, simple and pleasing spin on the YouTube logo, which we call the "Yoodle," to commemorate the day.

Elisabeth fredriksson

Check out our 2 favorite satisfying Instagram accounts and choose the one you like the most! Explaining why we like anything can be complicated, but within the diversity of oddly satisfying videos on the web we can perhaps find some clues. But how does the oddly satisfying manifest? And then watching it as a compilation, over and over and over again. But in the end, Malone thinks that there is no need to rely on finding the oddly satisfying through web video. But most interesting, is that young, digitally-equipped people are watching these videos before they go to bed to help them sleep. It is clear that there is something for everyone and the satisfaction derived from the videos perhaps actually has a much simpler explanation. It is what they call satisfying videos. In this busy stressful world, we truly crave for some zen, so the internet, and social media in particular, seems to be the first obvious source of distraction. Instead, they are turning towards deliberating creating them for online consumption. Share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Copy link. Similarly to ASMR, which stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and corresponds to the particular feeling or tingle that some people may feel while watching videos with certain sounds and visuals, satisfying videos are also believed to help relieving stress. But these are manufactured experiences, constructed experiences, made by experts. They showcase perfect moments, perfect actions. Advertising has used the construct of the oddly satisfying for decades to create visually arresting videos that capture our attention.


Now we do. Share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Copy link. Contact Legals. Whether that be unexplainable magical success, or a scientifically proven human need, satisfying videos are now an integral part of the internet. I later became obsessed with melting chocolate, trying to recreate that experience if only for a moment. It is purposeful where others before were accidental, but it is also creative. In the 30 second advert, the gooey chocolate centre continues to fill up, precariously threatening to ooze over the sides. I subscribe. But he believes the change lies in the taxonomy, of now being able to categorise the oddly satisfying. In real life the chocolate in the Lindt advert would spill over, but in the ad it is perfect. But how does the oddly satisfying manifest? BBC reported watching this kind of content is somewhat escapist, as it consists of simple sounds and physicality, it helps people to abstract from the real world problems. Other concoctions quick began to appear such as kinetic sand slicing, soap cutting, paint mixing, and there are just as many videos using cake, sponge, liquid metal, icing — whatever materials that are malleable enough to make it a satisfying watch. I ask Allocca why he thinks oddly satisfying has become such a huge online phenomenon. We Like d.

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