Orys baratheon

He is believed by most to have been the paternal bastard half-brother of Aegon the Conqueror. His hair was black, likewise his eyes. Orys was born at Dragonstone. It is widely accepted that he was born of bastardy to Aegon the Conqueror's father, orys baratheon, Aerion.

Like many of his contemporaries, the historical accounts of Orys Baratheon are sparse and relatively vague. However, the facts we're given regarding the life of Orys "One-Hand" are quite remarkable, and the rumors even more so. The rumors begin with Orys' birth. While there is no definitive proof of his heritage, it's said he was a bastard son of Aerion Targaryen, the Lord of Dragonstone and father to Visenya, Rhaenys, and Aegon Targaryen; the three people who would conquer Westeros and forge the Iron Throne. Therefore, Orys was the half-brother to Aegon "The Dragon" and played a major role in the war that united seven kingdoms into one.

Orys baratheon

Lord Orys Baratheon was the founder of House Baratheon , and a general in the army of King Aegon I Targaryen , to whom he was rumored to be a bastard half-brother. During Aegon's Conquest , he was a commander in the army of Aegon the Conqueror , and was rumored to be the Conqueror's bastard half-brother. Orys defeated the Storm King, Argilac the Arrogant , and took not only Storm's End but also his sigil the crowned black stag and words "Ours is the Fury" , as well as his daughter Argella , and his sword, Torment, to cement his rule over the Stormlands. He became the first Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. Orys Baratheon took Argella, daughter of the last Storm King, as his wife, to cement his rule over the Stormlands. He served Aegon as the first-ever Hand of the King , as well as the commander of his forces. Aegon offered Orys's hand in marriage to the daughter of the Storm King, Argilac Durrandon, but was rebuffed. Angered at the insult of being offered a bastard instead of a king, Argilac cut off the hands of Aegon's envoys. When Aegon landed his army at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush , he led a lightning campaign to secure the surrounding area, taking Rosby , Stokeworth, Duskendale and Maidenpool in short order. Orys led the army while Aegon attacked from the skies. Argilac left his castle to give battle in the open, attacking during a torrential thunderstorm to limit the use of Rhaenys's dragon, Meraxes. However, Meraxes instead fought on foot and was still able to inflict carnage on Argilac's forces. Argilac himself was slain by Orys. Orys negotiated the surrender of Storm's End, with Argilac's daughter Argella delivered to him in chains and naked. Orys treated her kindly and later wed her.

Aegon Targaryen Deceased. Aegon offered Orys's orys baratheon in marriage to the daughter of the Storm King, Argilac Durrandon, but was rebuffed.

Orys was the rumored bastard half-brother of Aegon I Targaryen by their father Aerion. He was one of Aegon's fiercest commanders and was regarded as Aegon's only true friend. He rose through the ranks and became the first Hand of the King after Aegon's Landing on mainland Westeros and his coronation at the Aegonfort. The Storm King, Argilac Durrandon, hearing of the burning of Harrenhal, knew his formidable walls would not protect him from dragonfire. Argilac rode out to give open battle. After the battle, Argella Durrandon, the daughter of Argilac, declared herself the Storm Queen and continued to hold Storm's End until her household turned against her to avoid the same fate of Harrenhal. They delivered her to Orys, naked and chained.

He is believed by most to have been the paternal bastard half-brother of Aegon the Conqueror. His hair was black, likewise his eyes. Orys was born at Dragonstone. It is widely accepted that he was born of bastardy to Aegon the Conqueror's father, Aerion. Growing up at Dragonstone, he was Aegon Targaryen's best friend. From childhood to adulthood, Aegon considered Orys his only true friend. When Aegon Targaryen became the Lord of Dragonstone after Lord Aerion's death, Orys rose to be his most trusted advisor and right-hand-man. He also took part in commanding the Dragonstone garrison.

Orys baratheon

Orys is also considered the first Hand of the King , serving Aegon the Conqueror. Famed for his prowess at arms, he was the bastard brother of Aegon I. Although these rumours were never proven during his lifetime, as only his parents and Lady Valaena Velaryon knew, maesters and members of House Targaryen insist on their authenticity. Known for his prowess in battle and his strong loyalty to King Aegon I and House Targaryen , Orys was described as a fierce warrior. After the loss of his hand in the First Dornish War , he became crabbed and bitter, turning his attention to Dorne and obsessed with the idea of revenge. Despite it being rumoured that he was Aerion's bastard son, only Almia and Aerion's wife, Lady Valaena Velaryon , knew. Orys was one of Aegon's fiercest commanders, and was regarded as Aegon's only true friend and champion of his youth. Aegon I's grandson Jaehaerys I Targaryen considered it an open secret that Orys was Aerion's bastard son, a dragonseed of House Targaryen , though he was correct, it was only truly a rumour.

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Driftmark 8. After her father's death, Argella Durrandon rose as the new Storm Queen. Start a Wiki. During an attack along the Boneway, Lord Orys was captured along with many of his bannermen. Fantasy Game of Thrones. Orys received his opportunity during the reign of Aegon's son, King Aenys I Targaryen, when a Dornish outlaw king known as the Vulture King sent a huge army to reave the lands north of the Red Mountains. Season 1 1. Start a Wiki. One can only imagine how she reacted when presented to the man who had just killed her father, but it's said Orys calmed her with gentleness and the promise to keep the banner and words of her house, while praising the bravery of her late father. While returning to Storm's End, Orys succumbed to his wounds. The Princess and the Queen 7. Rhaenys Targaryen. Orys later joined Aegon in the First Dornish War, leading an assault on the Boneway that proved a disaster. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Orys chopped off Walter's sword hand, then his other hand, followed by both feet, which he called his usury.

Lord Orys Baratheon was the founder of House Baratheon , and a general in the army of King Aegon I Targaryen , to whom he was rumored to be a bastard half-brother. During Aegon's Conquest , he was a commander in the army of Aegon the Conqueror , and was rumored to be the Conqueror's bastard half-brother. Orys defeated the Storm King, Argilac the Arrogant , and took not only Storm's End but also his sigil the crowned black stag and words "Ours is the Fury" , as well as his daughter Argella , and his sword, Torment, to cement his rule over the Stormlands.

Elinor Costayne Black Bride Deceased. Cancel Save. Argilac left his castle to give battle in the open, attacking during a torrential thunderstorm to limit the use of Rhaenys's dragon, Meraxes. The bodies of the invading army blocked the Boneway from both ends, and Orys, along with many of his bannermen and knights, was captured by the Wyl of Wyl, who was also called the Widow-lover. Angered at the insult of being offered a bastard instead of a king, Argilac cut off the hands of Aegon's envoys. Into Thrones? Orys later joined Aegon in the First Dornish War, leading an assault on the Boneway that proved a disaster. Rhaenys Targaryen. Alys Harroway 2nd wife Deceased. Don't have an account? His counteroffer was a marriage between Argella and his best friend and most trusted compatriot; Orys Baratheon. King of the Narrow Sea 5. Join the community. This move became known as the Vulture Hunt.

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