
Oshtur is one of the Elder Gods of Earth oshtur, the first lifeforms spawned on the planet by its sentient biosphere, the Demiurge. Oshtur had a fascination with the realms beyond Earth, unlike oshtur siblings. According to legends, after witnessing children play, Oshtur was moved and gave birth to Agamotto, oshtur. She instructed Agamotto then left him to undertake the paths of magic.

Victor von Doom, Dr. They opposed the following in the effort of attempting to enlist Dr. Stephen Strange, Wong. Base of Operations : The astral plane aka the Realm of the Mind, the Temple of Oshtur ; an unidentified realm in which the Vishanti meet; Halls of Ma'at; formerly mobile throughout the universe; the Crossroads dimension formerly Earth. Apparently billions of years old, she is virtually immortal. She can travel or transport others across the universe, between dimensions, and likely across time. Under unspecified circumstances, she can spawn offspring via parthenogenesis or just magical means as well as creating other beings such as Ammut or whole races of beings such as the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at.


Before the degeneration of most of the Elder Gods into demons, she left Earth, took to the stars and became the Goddess of the Skies. One day, Oshtur was watching children play and she saw a blind child. Despite his disability, the child enjoyed life and managed to smile. This touched the heart of the Sky Goddess, and a single tear fell down from her eyes. Being the Goddess of the Mind and Logic, emotions are unusual to Oshtur. The tear from her eyes gave is what spawned Agamotto. She left and later instructed Agamotto to take the path of magic. Oshtur also created a race of winged beings reminiscent of the biblical angels known as the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at. Chthon later on whispered lies to the ears of Varuna, lord of the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at and many other of his race, persuading them to become the Asura; judge, jury and executioner of man and other "lower races. Saraswati and her followers were filled with shame at the shadow that overtook the Asura. They vowed to shield all those who the Asura would harm and came to be known as the Seraphim.

The true oshtur of Doctor Strange and Clea arrived soon.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. This is not an MCU fanfic. This is one of those "Superior Spider-Man" trope Fanfics. But there's a twist to it. In this one, some of the characters, that act O

According to legend, Agamotto emerged from the tear of Oshtur , benevolent Elder Goddess of Earth, as she was moved by the unyielding joy of a blind boy, circa 25, BC, [6] though it is now known that Agamotto was born before the Elder Gods were expelled from Earth , [7] and was already an adult and the Sorcerer Supreme during the Stone Age , in 1,, BC. His childhood was marked by an insatiable curiosity and a hunger for knowledge, much to the delight of his mother, Oshtur. He bombarded her with countless questions every day, spanning various disciplines from history to sorcery. Oshtur, always ready with answers, cherished the time spent watching her son grow and learn alongside her. As Agamotto matured, Oshtur made the decision to venture beyond Earth's confines to explore other dimensions, leaving Agamotto to find his own path. Despite his longing for her return, Agamotto eventually resolved to seek her out himself. Sitting beneath the shade of the old acacia tree where they often conversed, he delved deep into his memories, hoping to uncover clues to Oshtur's whereabouts. Through this introspective journey, Agamotto stumbled upon the rudiments of what would later be known as the First Form of Magic , the Arcanum Ego , and embarked on what became recognized as the First Path of Power , or the Lapis Pass.


When Stan Lee first began scripting the adventures of Doctor Strange in the pages of "Strange Tales", he would often come up with the name of an invocation for Doctor Strange to shout out. Later, Lee and Steve Ditko would re-visit those earlier invocations and flesh them out a bit more and that practice continued with later writers, as pretty much every single thing that Doctor Strange mentioned in his first few appearances in "Strange Tales" was later re-visited by a comic book writer looking to expand Doctor Strange's world by going back to the original stories. In an amusing little way, the early gibberish that Lee came up with ended up forming the foundation of Doctor Strange's particular corner of the Marvel Universe. As we get ready to see Doctor Strange on the silver screen, we thought it'd be nice to look at his most popular invocations and explain the meaning behind each one. Prepare to learn who or what a Hoggoth is! One of Doctor Strange's earliest invocations also has the honor of being one of the few invocations that Strange pretty much stopped using all together. You see, when Doctor Strange began, he was specifically a practitioner of "black magic", so Strange was constantly referring to the dark-dwellers for his magic. As the character got to be more popular and began acting more and more like a superhero just a magic-based superhero , the black magic angle was dropped and suddenly, it did not make as much sense for Strange to keep invoking the bad guys.

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This is not an MCU fanfic. In the name of the Vishanti I speak! Thus do the Ancient One and Dr. Marvel Gaeaverse OCS by tylerjg04 7 1. Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised This list Exclamation: May the deathless, divine Vishanti ever guide thy steps! According to one of Doctor Strange's spells, she also hurled a lance known as "The Tower of Towers" suggesting the colossal size of one of her manifestations. Total Sleep In return, Genghis was granted knowledge of the Vishanti or perhaps Agamotto in specific. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. In the name of the All-seeing, in the name of the All-knowing, in the name of the All-being -- let your visage now be showing! Exclamation: Thank Oshtur

Victor von Doom, Dr. They opposed the following in the effort of attempting to enlist Dr. Stephen Strange, Wong.

Illusion: to end a spell of disguise. Total Sleep May the Hosts of the Vishanti help me! The two of then with Oshtur's son Agamotto formed the eternal Vishanti , a trinity of aspects and beings which possess unimaginable power. Lead him to his final fall! Oshtur also created a race of winged beings reminiscent of the biblical angels known as the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at. Now we shall form the Circle of Renewal, that the peace of the world's slumber be untroubled by all this. Exclamation: May Oshtur be praised If it is highlighted, the spell from the English version is needed Some malevolent entities, like Chthon or Satannish, are willing to offer vast amounts of power, but only in exchange for the supplicant's soul. He realized he could not regain their support at this time nor the support of any other principalities; in fact, it was all he could do to flee and to pray, to any who might be listening, that the War of the Seven Spheres did not break its dimensional bonds and spill over into Earth's universe. Hoggoth, protect me!

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