pakistan aunty

Pakistan aunty

Yahan apko real aunties ke whatsapp numbers milege. Hello dosto mein pakistani aunty hon mein abhi tak single hon.

It is a sunny day in Karachi and a young couple are stealing precious moments with each other in a private corner of a local park and as they inch ever closer together A woman moves at speed towards them and interrogates the bewildered pair relentlessly about the precise nature of their relationship. This is Maya Khan, easily the most talked-about woman in Pakistan at the moment, and the events described above unfolded on an hour-long live television morning show broadcast on 17 January. In that hour she and a group of like-minded women were an informal moral police force, popularly described as "vigil aunties", hounding couples, at least one of them married. Pakistan is a largely conservative country, but after the programme was broadcast members of the liberal elite vented their fury on social websites at what they said was intrusion. Pakistan's English-language media also took up the cause. The footage of these women hounding couples who were simply sitting together and talking prompted shock and outrage.

Pakistan aunty


Human rights activist Farzana Bari recently appeared on a state-run TV show quoting article 14 of the Pakistan penal code, pakistan aunty, which allows a person to take legal action against someone who publicly pakistan aunty another.


No ripped jeans when she comes over, please. She smokes, she drinks and you can talk to her about anything you want. Cool aunty was the bae of the aunties, growing up. Lmao, this aunty is probably the most entertaining to sit around. But be careful, gossip aunty is probably talking shit about you too. Bechaari , this aunty is usually the one who has a lot going on in her life. She comes to sit, cry and vent about everything in her life.

Pakistan aunty

Aunty Pakistan, the latest Twitter sensation in Pakistan, is a superhero in no need of a cape. Her current display picture borrows from Shahan Zaidi the character of his in-production graphic novel, Bloody Nasreen. If gutsy, gun-toting Nasreen will challenge sexist stereotypes of Pakistani women by waging war against all kinds of bad guys, Aunty may as well be her verbal counterpart. Kicking ass and taking names — quite literally — she takes on misogyny in Pakistan on the political, social and cultural fronts, and has amassed a following of more than people over a day and a half.

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Recently, the assembly of the province of Punjab passed a resolution banning "objectionable" music concerts. In that hour she and a group of like-minded women were an informal moral police force, popularly described as "vigil aunties", hounding couples, at least one of them married. Skip to content. Add a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The private media industry is burgeoning in Pakistan and has grown largely unchecked in a battle for ratings. This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. As the dust settles, what does the debacle tell us about Pakistani society? Maya Khan's apology was not enough to save her job. One of her fans, Asma Mehmood, rose to her defence. One person on Twitter, kursed Abdullah Saad , observes: "Online activism can only supplement real-life activism, not replace it.


But litigation is expensive and most people may simply prefer to be able to go about their affairs without being hounded. Agar aap mujhse bat karna chahte hain to aapka young hona lazmi hai. Now every single channel is doing a show on her and invading her privacy and getting ratings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The private media industry is burgeoning in Pakistan and has grown largely unchecked in a battle for ratings. Agar ko mujhse frienship karna chahta hai. One person on Twitter, kursed Abdullah Saad , observes: "Online activism can only supplement real-life activism, not replace it. For others, Maya Khan is just a symbol of a conservative mindset intent on attacking personal freedoms. Pakistani Aunties Number. Pakistan is a largely conservative country, but after the programme was broadcast members of the liberal elite vented their fury on social websites at what they said was intrusion.

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