parsi god photos

Parsi god photos

Faravahar - relief of winged sun symbol of Zoroastrianism in Persepolis city, Iran. Persepolis was a capital of the Achaemenid Empire, - BC.

Founder of the Zoroastrianism. Portrait at the Atashkadeh Fire Temple. Parsi Fire Temple in Baku, Azerbaijan. Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster aka Zarathustra. Date: circa s. Ancient Persian priests performing ritual sacrifices Ancient Persian priests in white robes performing ritual sacrifices at a pyre.

Parsi god photos

Zoroastrian Parsee Beauty - Iran. Date: Parsi Fire Temple in Baku, Azerbaijan. Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster aka Zarathustra. Date: circa s. Colorized photo early 20th century. The Parsi Zoroastrian. Creator: C. From, Illustrated Travels by H. Tetradrachm Coin Portraying King Gotarzes, Drachma Coin Portraying Chosroes I, Parsees, c.

Sumac spice isolated on white. Tetradrachm Coin Portraying King Gotarzes, Creator: C.

Faravahar on the top of the Zoroastrian temple, Iran. Aerial view of the ruins of the Tower of silence in the city of Yazd, Iran. A Tower of Silence is a circular, raised structure used by Zoroastrians for exposure of the dead, particularly to scavenging birds for the purposes of excarnation. Yazd is the capital of Yazd Province, Iran, and one of the main cities of Zoroastrian culture. Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Sandstone rock with carved tombs of persian kings in Necropolis, Iran.

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Parsi god photos

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Similar temples can also be found in Baku, Azerbaijan - a testament to the widespread influence of this faith. Temple of Fire in Surakhani near Baku, Azerbaijan. Gods worshipped by the ancient Persians. The historical site of Search by image or video. Iranian new year. In Bombay Mumbai , India, one can find the majestic Parsi Fire Temple, a sacred place where Zoroastrians gather to worship and offer prayers. Pagan beliefs, Zoroastrian Parsee Beauty - Iran. Persian Haft Seen is seven symbols for the new year Nowruz.


Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Towers of silence in Yazd, Iran. Tabletop with Haft-seen elements for Nowruz: sonbol hyacinth , sabzeh grass , seeb apple , somaq sumac powder , seer garlic , serkeh vinegar , goldfishes, flowers hyacinths, coins, burning candles, painted eggs and mirror. Towers of silence at sunset. Faravahar, zoroastrian symbol Naqsh-e Rustam, Persepolis ruin, Iran. Magus, Persian priests of Antiquity, wood engraving, published in Parsi Fire Temple in Baku, Azerbaijan. Ancien inscriptions on the walls of Persepolis, the ancient Scene with Faravahar - relief of winged sun symbol of The historical significance of Zoroastrianism is exemplified by Persepolis' ruins - Darius' palace remnants that have stood for over 2, years. Persian New Year Spread. Portrait Of Zarathustra. Un Identifai Parsis Zoroastrian women praying to sea Parsi gate marine drive on avan Roz avan mahprab day Vintage photo original film grain, blur and scratch Bombay Mumbai , Maharashtra , India.

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