peter parker iq

Peter parker iq

I'm asking this, because in the recent issues, Ock has taken over as Spider-Man.

Batman's is and he's much smarter than Peter Parker. PunkMastaFlex : HA!! I'm not playing anything. From all the comics I've read of Spider-Man, I never seen anything that remotely suggested he's even close to that IQ. He invented his own web shooters at 15 years old. I dunno how that ranks on an IQ score, but it's something.

Peter parker iq

Any portrayal of Peter Parker is bound to be a genius, it's part of what makes him Peter Parker. Usually, Peter is portrayed as being a whiz with chemistry and engineering, and a splash of physics. This, of course, is only half the story, Spider-Man is the other side to this query. In action, Maguire, Garfield, and Holland all employ their smarts in similar ways. They're all quick on their feet so to speak when it comes to thinking on the fly, saving civilians, and fighting villains. Spider-Man: No Way Home highlighted each of the three Spider-Men's smarts collectively before sending them back to their respective universes. There are several key factors as to why Holland's Spider-Man is the smartest of the three. The first one is that out of all of them, Holland's Spider-Man is a mathematical genius on top of chemistry, engineering, and physics. Granted, this was only really explored in Spider-Man: No Way Home , but it has been hinted at previously in Holland's prior films. Holland's ability to see the mathematical patterns in Doctor Strange's mirror dimension as geometry was absolutely game-changing under the context that Strange is supposed to have total control in this plane.

Over time, he finds a way to regain a physical form and then uses his newfound powers to get a better idea of how the universe really works.

He has aptitudes in chemistry, physics, and engineering. To do this, Peter needs to know peculiarities about gravitational force, get the right kinematic equations to measure the launch speed of the webbing, the density inside the shooter, understand the momentum principle, instinctive knowledge of different chemicals, synthetics, protein filaments, thermoplastic polymers, and exotic plastics. And for the web-shooter? This requires a vast level of engineering skills. That completely changes how we understand the initial singularity. Peter has become an expert when it comes to creating new technology.

Any portrayal of Peter Parker is bound to be a genius, it's part of what makes him Peter Parker. Usually, Peter is portrayed as being a whiz with chemistry and engineering, and a splash of physics. This, of course, is only half the story, Spider-Man is the other side to this query. In action, Maguire, Garfield, and Holland all employ their smarts in similar ways. They're all quick on their feet so to speak when it comes to thinking on the fly, saving civilians, and fighting villains. Spider-Man: No Way Home highlighted each of the three Spider-Men's smarts collectively before sending them back to their respective universes. There are several key factors as to why Holland's Spider-Man is the smartest of the three. The first one is that out of all of them, Holland's Spider-Man is a mathematical genius on top of chemistry, engineering, and physics.

Peter parker iq

However, that is the whole point. To create fantasies that make people wonder if unbelievable feats might be possible. As young kids reading these comic books, we all wished we could build a Suit of our own and fight crime like Iron Man. Exo-suits are being constructed by many after taking inspiration from the Marvel Hero. Like Tony Stark, many bright heroes use their brains to their advantage, proving that there is no bigger superpower.

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Start a Wiki. Holland is the perfect balance of both brawn and wit, much like his comic book origins. Peter is indeed smarter. I do think, that Doc Ock is the better planner while Peter is the better adapter. Sign in to edit. Last time I checked, Bats didn't invent anything like that. HAHA what a complete shot in the dark at human physiology. Peter thinks better on his feet and can make better split second decisions while Ock is a much better planner. You could say he has a strange sense of humour, being almost sarcastic, but all geniuses have their own sense of humour. PunkMastaFlex : Peter Parker is a highly intelligent nerd who is very smart and the brightest kid on the block but his studious side has to have some relief; that's where spider-man comes in.


One of Spider-Man's greatest abilities is to crack jokes mid-fight that are often used to taunt his enemies. Octavius devoted his life to science, and become one of the world's foremost experts on radiation. As well as being incredibly wealthy , the Stark family has a strong track record when it comes to creativity and innovation. In action, Maguire, Garfield, and Holland all employ their smarts in similar ways. Just like Carol Danvers!!! Granted, he's not the only superhero with PhDs, but the fact that he has five of them as well as the leadership skills needed to run an entire country shows that T'Challa is incredibly smart. TrueMarvel said:. Let's just pretend this never happened Well he is one of the most intteligent marvel characters ever he defeated villans that many people think he cant like in ultimate spider man he defeated the frightful four i know their was only 3 of them in spectaculer spider man he defeated the sinister six many times in the seris and in web of shadows he helped save the world from the infection if you took the red side so he defeats villans that are inpossible for people to belive so he is clever and crafty in a way tricking the enemy into a trap so he is really intellegent. Suspendisse potenti. I already ruined the moment, didn't I? They only test one type of intelligence. At his school Peter was known as a genius young inventor. Otto himself admitted to it.

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