Physical special split

Each of the game's types was assigned to either physical or special attack types - physically attacking types included Normal, Fighting, Flying, Ground, Rock, physical special split, Bug, Ghost, Poison and the later addition of Steel, whereas types designated as special were Water, Physical special split, Fire, Ice, Electric, Psychic, Dragon and generation two's Dark. These designations left zero wiggle room. For example, every single Electric attack, including ones like Thunderpunch that would surely make contact, was Special, and every Ghost attack, including ones like Shadow Ball that involve creating and firing energy, was physical.

In games prior to Generation IV, the type of a damaging move determines whether the move is physical damage calculation is performed using the user's Attack and the target's Defense or special the user's Special Attack and the target's Special Defense. Several new moves were introduced to give more balance to formerly all-special and all-physical types, such as the physical Psychic-type moves Zen Headbutt and Psycho Cut ; and the special Fighting-type moves Focus Blast , Vacuum Wave , and Aura Sphere. Other moves, such as Hyper Beam which was physical prior to Generation IV but is now special , gained physical counterparts with the same characteristics in this case, Giga Impact. The unused Bird type only exists in the first two generations and was defined as a physical type. Status moves act differently from both the other move categories, as they don't do direct damage. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times.

Physical special split

This caused moves to not be influenced by their type to determine whether they were physical or special, but rather have it as an attribute of their own, so each type could have physical and special moves. What influence would it have on the OU metagame? Even though Tornadus-T uses Knock Off during regular competitive play as is, now it comes off of Tornadus-T's higher invested attacking stat! It also provides Alakazam and its Mega Evolution with a good coverage move to make up for the loss of Shadow Ball. Focus Blast turning into a physical move heavily affects all special attackers that use it. Now, a lot of special attackers lack coverage against Steel- and Dark-types; as a result, Steel- and Dark-types become more reliable checks to Gengar and Mega Alakazam. For starters, Aqua Jet is now special, which means that special attackers like Keldeo and Mega Blastoise now have a new viable form of priority. Finally, Sucker Punch is now special, meaning that special attackers that previously had no form of attacking priority such as Celebi, Latias, and Mew can now hurt faster foes more easily. This allows many special attackers that don't have access to any special Fire-, Electric-, or Ice-type moves such as Mega Alakazam to get good coverage with decent power and hit many more types super effectively as a result. However, because they have a fairly middling Base Power, they can't break most special walls and thus do not hinder defensive play. Their STAB type will be special because the type itself leans towards it, with the average Special Attack of Fairy-types being higher than the average Attack. Additionally, the Fairy typing only has one physical move in Play Rough, and because Sylveon is a Fairy-type and all other Eeveelutions are of special types, it fits even better.

Its learnset has since changed, with the Physical special split moves teachable via TM only. His base special attack is only 5 points lower I believeso running Sludge Bomb off your Special Attack hardly affects him much. Alakazam is buffed quite a bit with this change in effect.

In terms of strategy, the split made the games a lot more interesting. While its Special Attack stat meant Feraligatr's moves in Generation III were nothing to shout about, the split made them a lot more powerful. Crawdaunt got a big bonus after the split when the moves Crunch, Night Slash, and Crabhammer become physical, therefore benefiting from Crawdaunt's base Attack, which is 30 points higher than its Special Attack. Introduced in Generation II, Tyranitar got a big helping hand from the split. Considering its base physical Attack of , this change gave it a big boost. It was also given Fire Fang and Thunder Fang from level 1, both of which were physical moves.

This caused moves to not be influenced by their type to determine whether they were physical or special, but rather have it as an attribute of their own, so each type could have physical and special moves. What influence would it have on the OU metagame? Even though Tornadus-T uses Knock Off during regular competitive play as is, now it comes off of Tornadus-T's higher invested attacking stat! It also provides Alakazam and its Mega Evolution with a good coverage move to make up for the loss of Shadow Ball. Focus Blast turning into a physical move heavily affects all special attackers that use it. Now, a lot of special attackers lack coverage against Steel- and Dark-types; as a result, Steel- and Dark-types become more reliable checks to Gengar and Mega Alakazam.

Physical special split

In games prior to Generation IV, the type of a damaging move determines whether the move is physical damage calculation is performed using the user's Attack and the target's Defense or special the user's Special Attack and the target's Special Defense. Several new moves were introduced to give more balance to formerly all-special and all-physical types, such as the physical Psychic-type moves Zen Headbutt and Psycho Cut ; and the special Fighting-type moves Focus Blast , Vacuum Wave , and Aura Sphere. Other moves, such as Hyper Beam which was physical prior to Generation IV but is now special , gained physical counterparts with the same characteristics in this case, Giga Impact.

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At least Mega Pidgeot still has Work Up to boost those physical attacks, if you know what I'm saying! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Ask A Question. Hidden Power Fighting and Hidden Power Ground are also newly viable on Swellow, as even though they might not necessarily KO Tyranitar and Heatran cleanly, they definitely give Swellow a solid, Guts-boosted way of hitting Rock- and Steel-types, which are Swellow's biggest counters in any tier otherwise. Privacy Policy. Although it is normally physical and both of its STAB types become special, they stay contact moves. Art by Litra. Browse More Questions. Language Title Chinese. Saintpara 12 years ago 7.

By Noad January 4, in Guide Tavern. Special Moves. Flamethrower Power: 95 Accuracy: PP:

Rapidash benefited as did any fire-physical attackers with Flare Blitz. Now, however, they are only good for physical attackers due to their physical status. What do you need help on? That way, each attack will do more damage even if razor leaf's base power of 55 at first seems less than giga drain's IVs, Natures and Breeding guide - How to get the best from your eggs. It is still very frail, allowing most threats that can survive a hit from it, outspeed it, or have access to priority, to KO it. Then, even if you can't get wood hammer, you can still give it crunch, earthquake, razor leaf and then perhaps synthesis for healing. Medicham is badly hurt by losing physical Shadow Ball. Play online! General Tso. What are the major effects on the metagame because of this?

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