pictures of christina trevanion

Pictures of christina trevanion

The year-old is best known for her work as an expert and auctioneer on shows including Bargain HuntFlog It!

She took to Instagram to show a behind-the-scenes look at the programme with a stunning snap as they filmed in Devon. Want all the best bits on the box? Share your email to get TV news, interviews, spoilers and more. We have more newsletters. Bargain Hunt fans were left gushing after antiques expert Christina Trevanion posted a "gorgeous" selfie on her on the set of the BBC show. She beamed at the camera while on the golden sandy beach. She captioned the post: "Hello.

Pictures of christina trevanion


TV Jill Robinson. Surreal moment WW2 bomb is driven through residential roads.


But when the auctioneer and antiques expert isn't busy with her TV schedule with Antiques Road Trip and Bargain Hunt , Christina can be found at home with her loved ones. Meet her family, including her husband, children and parents below The BBC presenter's love for antiques and auctions came from a young age when she would attend auctions alongside her parents. Her mother, Hazel, was also an antique fanatic. Her father, David, sadly died in After being inspired by her parents' hobbies, Christina went on to study Fine Art Valuation at Southampton Solent University, where she met future business partner Aaron Dean. As of , Christina has taken on sole ownership of the firm. Christina also presents Bargain Hunt. Christina prefers to keep her private life out of the spotlight and there's little information about her husband. However, the presenter did give an insight into their family life recently when she tweeted a joke about divorce to her followers.

Pictures of christina trevanion

Boy, some people really are nasty trolls. We are entitled to enjoy the personality we see on TV and nothing more. Quite flirty when trying to make a deal not on TV enough with Cathrine southern who has become bit of a symbol in stoke my two favourites on road shows we tend to get to see both for a whole week x. Absolutely stunningly beautiful gorgeous smile matches her personality. What a looky man her husband is. What a lovely person is Christina, if everyone could be like her, the world would be trouble-free. She seems to get more beautiful everytime I see her on TV.

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Jealous Torquay man jailed for terrorising ex. I almost saw most of it from beneath the floppy hat and shades. Share your email to get TV news, interviews, spoilers and more More Newsletters. Man who found bomb says daughter has been told to expect 'worst-case scenario'. Devon cop dismissed after 'despicable' Exeter sex assault. North Devon. Fans were left swooning over her in the comments section. My Account. Follow DevonLive. She had a pair of sunglasses on her head to keep her hair off her face and smiled as she looked down at the sand.

When Christina Trevanion isn't hitting the road in search of hidden gems on The Travelling Auctioneers , she's spending time at home with her husband and two children.

Irish Sun. She had a pair of sunglasses on her head to keep her hair off her face and smiled as she looked down at the sand. A38 traffic clears in Devon after car overturned. South Hams. She took to Instagram to show a behind-the-scenes look at the programme with a stunning snap as they filmed in Devon. Bet viewing figs would increase. Group The year-old is best known for her work as an expert and auctioneer on shows including Bargain Hunt , Flog It! Fans were left swooning over her in the comments section. Jealous Torquay man jailed for terrorising ex. Surreal moment WW2 bomb is driven through residential roads. More info.

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