prison school ova

Prison school ova

Bundled with a limited edition of the manga's 20th volume. Auto Play.

Four of the five boys enjoy their new freedom and interactions with the girls, but Joe longs for the prison life again and plans a crime so extreme he is sure to be sent back. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Prison School.

Prison school ova

Hachimitsu Private Academy's five male students have been released from their oppressive prison captors, allowing them to return to their ideal school lives surrounded by short-skirted girls. With their freedom restored, things could not be going better for the gang. Kiyoshi Fujino and Shingo Wakamoto have formed close bonds with their female classmates; Reiji Andou is the center of attention due to his masochistic quirks; and even Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu—notorious for defecating himself during class—befriends the klutzy yet like-minded Mitsuko Yokoyama. However, in contrast to his fellow ex-convicts, Jouji "Joe" Nezu struggles to readjust to student life, and the unlikely romantic success of his friend Gakuto pushes him to his wit's end. Feeling ostracized, he begins to wonder if life was better behind bars. The wraparound jacket of the 19th volume of Akira Hiramoto's Prison School manga, which will go on sale on December 4, has announced an OVA of the series. The O Dec 3, AM by arsonal Discuss 58 comments. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Prison School: Mad Wax.

Visit MALxJapan. All reviews 5.

Close menu. EN JP. Join now HiAnime Group. Watch now. Bundled with a limited edition of the manga's 20th volume. You can also find J.

Hachimitsu Private Academy's five male students have been released from their oppressive prison captors, allowing them to return to their ideal school lives surrounded by short-skirted girls. With their freedom restored, things could not be going better for the gang. Kiyoshi Fujino and Shingo Wakamoto have formed close bonds with their female classmates; Reiji Andou is the center of attention due to his masochistic quirks; and even Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu—notorious for defecating himself during class—befriends the klutzy yet like-minded Mitsuko Yokoyama. However, in contrast to his fellow ex-convicts, Jouji "Joe" Nezu struggles to readjust to student life, and the unlikely romantic success of his friend Gakuto pushes him to his wit's end. Feeling ostracized, he begins to wonder if life was better behind bars. The wraparound jacket of the 19th volume of Akira Hiramoto's Prison School manga, which will go on sale on December 4, has announced an OVA of the series. The O Dec 3, AM by arsonal Discuss 58 comments. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Prison School: Mad Wax.

Prison school ova

Hachimitsu Private Academy's five male students have been released from their oppressive prison captors, allowing them to return to their ideal school lives surrounded by short-skirted girls. With their freedom restored, things could not be going better for the gang. Kiyoshi Fujino and Shingo Wakamoto have formed close bonds with their female classmates; Reiji Andou is the center of attention due to his masochistic quirks; and even Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu—notorious for defecating himself during class—befriends the klutzy yet like-minded Mitsuko Yokoyama.

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Ken'ichi Suzumura Shingo voice as Kenichi Suzumura. Akira Hiramoto Michiko Yokote. Four of the five boys enjoy their new freedom and interactions with the girls, but Joe longs for the prison life again and plans a crime so extreme he is sure to be sent back. Mikako Takahashi Mitsuko voice. EN JP. Edit page. Join now HiAnime Group. The O See production info at IMDbPro. Classroom of the Elite III 1,, More discussions. The Irresponsible Captain Tylor.

Four of the five boys enjoy their new freedom and interactions with the girls, but Joe longs for the prison life again and plans a crime so extreme he is sure to be sent back. Sign In Sign In.

Prison School. More reviews by Sidewinder51 Fujino, Kiyoshi Main. More characters. Official Site. Ranked Popularity Members , Forgot password? Taking this into account. Shangri-La Frontier , Suzumura, Kenichi Japanese. Forgot password? Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Studios: J. Naruto HiAnime does not store any files on our server, we only linked to the media which is hosted on 3rd party services.

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