Ptv sports

Everyone info. It was launched in and has since become the most popular sports channel in Pakistan.

Canada Mexico. Dominican Republic. Game On Hai! The Show is hosted by Dr. Then, throughout the ensuing Zimbabwe tour of Pakistan in , the show hosted Alastair Campbell. The show was previously hosted by Nauman Niaz.

Ptv sports


PTV Sports broadcasts 24 hours a day, ptv sports, and its programs can be accessed through cable and satellite networks across Pakistan and some other parts of the world.


Everyone info. It was launched in and has since become the most popular sports channel in Pakistan. The channel is dedicated to broadcasting a wide range of sports events, including cricket, football, hockey, tennis, and other popular sports. The channel also features various sports analysis programs, expert opinions, and talk shows to keep its viewers up-to-date with the latest sports news and happenings. PTV Sports broadcasts 24 hours a day, and its programs can be accessed through cable and satellite networks across Pakistan and some other parts of the world. Please note this version supports Android 5. All Rights reserved.

Ptv sports

Canada Mexico. Dominican Republic. Game On Hai! The Show is hosted by Dr. Then, throughout the ensuing Zimbabwe tour of Pakistan in , the show hosted Alastair Campbell. The show was previously hosted by Nauman Niaz. There are several other programs catering to other sports events such as field hockey. This is a new program started on PTV Sports. Presented by Mirza Iqbal Baig , it features analysis over different sport events. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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Pakistan Television Corporation and its divisions. United Arab Emirates Oman. Premier League:- — Canada Mexico. Tools Tools. New Zealand. Download as PDF Printable version. Everyone info. Hum Masala. No data collected Learn more about how developers declare collection. Game On Hai. Links to related articles.


France United States. Then, throughout the ensuing Zimbabwe tour of Pakistan in , the show hosted Alastair Campbell. TEN Sports Pakistan. Islamabad , Pakistan. United Arab Emirates Oman. Zim Afro T [6] — Too many adds. The Show is hosted by Dr. United States. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Hum Masala. Winter Olympics. PTV Sports broadcasts 24 hours a day, and its programs can be accessed through cable and satellite networks across Pakistan and some other parts of the world. Worst app. Dominican Republic.

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